Bitwise Operators in Python - Left Shift and Right Shift | Python Tutorial in Tamil for Beginners

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In this video, you will come to know,
1. What is Bitwise Left Shift operator?
2. How to perform Bitwise Left Shift Operation?
3. What is Bitwise Right Shift operator?
4. How to perform Bitwise Right Shift Operation?
5. Whether Multiplying the given number with some power of 2 is same as Bitwise Left shift operation?
6. Whether Dividing the given number with some power of 2 is same as Bitwise Right shift operation?

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#bitwiseOR #bitwiseAND #bitwiseOR #bitwiseNOT #bitwisexor #bitwiseleftshift #bitwiserightshift #carot #python #pythonprogramming #pythontutorial #pythontutorialforbeginners #computerscience #different #leftshiftoperator #rightshiftoperator

Links of previous Videos in the Play list:
1. Python Variables in Tamil

2. Python Numeric Data types in Tamil

3. Python Sequence Data types in Tamil

4. Python Boolean, set and Dictionary Data types

5. Python Identifiers in Tamil

6. Keywords in Python

7. Operators in Python - Arithmetic Operators

8. Operators in Python - Assignment Operators

9. Operators in Python - Comparison Operators

10. Operators in Python - Logical Operators

11. Bitwise Operators in Python - Bitwise AND | Bitwise OR

12. Bitwise Operators in Python - Bitwise NOT

13. Bitwise Operators in Python - Bitwise XOR
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Never knew learning Python was this simple. Thank you for your efforts. Please keep it coming!


Solve this example. 15>>3
Answer =1
But i need brief explanation...


1110101010 is 938. I tried for 938<<3. I'm getting the answer as 336. By discarding 111. The answer I got is 0101010000 where the value is 336. But the actual answer is 1110101010000. The answer is 7504. Can you please clarify my doubt sister? Kindly give explanation for 938>>3 also. Thank you
