How to Start Your Own SEO Agency | Find Quality Leads For Your Digital Marketing Agency
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So you want to start your own SEO agency? Here's how you do it.
How do I start my own SEO agency?
First, you have to believe in yourself.
The second thing you need to do to build your own SEO agency is to find out who's doing a ton of ads on Google AdWords, using SEMrush, and it will tell you how much money they're spending on ads each month.
That'll give you an idea of how much money a company has.
If they spend $500,000 a month or $1 million, or $200,000, there's a good chance they could pay you for SEO.
You don't want to go after the ones who spend a half a million or a million a month because those guys are big organizations.
You want to go after the ones who are spending 20, 30 grand a month.
Now that you've figured out who to go after, the third step is to start your own SEO agency is emailing these companies.
Another strategy is to use Crunchbase.
They list out all the companies that are recently funded, their valuations, how much money they raise.
When these companies raise $4 or $5 million, and you hit them and their investors up, tell them what they are doing wrong and how you can help solve the problem.
Investors never want to hear that a company they just funded is messing up.
So you know they're going to forward the email over.
The investor's not gonna spend any time or energy solving the problem, but they're going to be sure the problem is addressed.
The investor will go straight to the person who's running the company.
Don't hold anything back when you send these emails.
If these companies have $5 million, they're not going to take the time to learn things on their own, they're going to pay the person who just outlined their problems to fix them.
You want to charge five grand a month for someone who raised $50 million or $5 million?
They don't care; it's a drop in the bucket.
The genius part about this is you didn't go for the marketing director or even the CEO of the company; you went to the people who were funding those people.
So it's guaranteed money.
And if you do well for those investors, they're gonna tell all their portfolio companies "Hey, this guy did this for one of my investments. "You should hire him for your business, too." And that's a great way to get clients.
There you have it, that is how to start your own SEO agency.
Make sure you leave a comment and your questions below. We're going to be doing this Q&A Thursdays every week.
Anytime you need help with anything marketing-related, whether it's starting an agency, online or digital marketing or you're a founder, or entrepreneur or marketer, or just anyone who's interested in getting into the field, I don't care what your qualifications are, how much money you have, we're here to help, so feel free to leave a comment.
How do I start my own SEO agency?
First, you have to believe in yourself.
The second thing you need to do to build your own SEO agency is to find out who's doing a ton of ads on Google AdWords, using SEMrush, and it will tell you how much money they're spending on ads each month.
That'll give you an idea of how much money a company has.
If they spend $500,000 a month or $1 million, or $200,000, there's a good chance they could pay you for SEO.
You don't want to go after the ones who spend a half a million or a million a month because those guys are big organizations.
You want to go after the ones who are spending 20, 30 grand a month.
Now that you've figured out who to go after, the third step is to start your own SEO agency is emailing these companies.
Another strategy is to use Crunchbase.
They list out all the companies that are recently funded, their valuations, how much money they raise.
When these companies raise $4 or $5 million, and you hit them and their investors up, tell them what they are doing wrong and how you can help solve the problem.
Investors never want to hear that a company they just funded is messing up.
So you know they're going to forward the email over.
The investor's not gonna spend any time or energy solving the problem, but they're going to be sure the problem is addressed.
The investor will go straight to the person who's running the company.
Don't hold anything back when you send these emails.
If these companies have $5 million, they're not going to take the time to learn things on their own, they're going to pay the person who just outlined their problems to fix them.
You want to charge five grand a month for someone who raised $50 million or $5 million?
They don't care; it's a drop in the bucket.
The genius part about this is you didn't go for the marketing director or even the CEO of the company; you went to the people who were funding those people.
So it's guaranteed money.
And if you do well for those investors, they're gonna tell all their portfolio companies "Hey, this guy did this for one of my investments. "You should hire him for your business, too." And that's a great way to get clients.
There you have it, that is how to start your own SEO agency.
Make sure you leave a comment and your questions below. We're going to be doing this Q&A Thursdays every week.
Anytime you need help with anything marketing-related, whether it's starting an agency, online or digital marketing or you're a founder, or entrepreneur or marketer, or just anyone who's interested in getting into the field, I don't care what your qualifications are, how much money you have, we're here to help, so feel free to leave a comment.