Would You Rather? | Luxury Edition💸💰

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Today we will play Would You Rather? | Luxury Edition. Are you ready to make some of the hardest choices you'll ever have to make when it comes to money and a luxurious life? Make sure you choose your favourite from luxury brands, the most expensive house, exotic cars, and so on in this pick one kick one luxury edition! Would you rather own this or live here? Let the challenge begin!

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Which One Did You Pick 1:17
Comment down below!😁👇


Your video is very good. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you more and more good videos


Wow ! Love this .. Can you give any idea about rise of your channel. All traffic are organic ? ore you have used any external resources


which one did you pick 1117 comment down below


Jet, penthouse, Bali, theater, helicopter, chauffeur, Ferrari, hoverboard, tablet, subscribe, Lamborghini,
Boat, ruby, scuba, chandelier, rolls Royce, cruise, Paris, golden, robot, Tesla, formula e, cash, own, messages, jacuzzi, hotel, first, pillow, save, resort, chef, waterfall, telescope, hats, headset,
Drone, castle, racing, person, waffles, car, submarine, orchid, ring, watch, spa day, juicer, headphones, suede, candles, painting, popcorn, neither, sauna, hardwood, greenhouse, place, shoes, and coat


1 neither
2 villa
3 visit to Balli
4 walk in closet
5 neither
6 limo service
7 neither
8 neither
9 neither
10 neither
11 neither
12 neither
14 neither
15 neither
16 neither
17 neither
18 safari adventure
19 Paris
20 neither
21 neither
22 neither
23 neither
24 have a gift
25 neither
26 neither
27 pool
28 five star hotel stay
29 neither
30 neither
31 save
32 neither
33 neither
34 neither
35 neither
36 sunglasses
37 neither
38 neither
39 neither
40 neither
41 in person
42 pancake maker
43 neither
44 neither
45 neither
46 neither
47 neither
48 shopping spree
49 juicer
50 neither
51 neither
52 scented candle
53 neither
54 neither
55 neither
56 neither
56 marbled floor
57 solarium
58 neither
59 designer shoes
60 leather jacket


Speed boat
Safari adventure
Self-driving truck
Spa day
