About Integrative Nutrition’s Health Coach Training Program

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The Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) was founded in 1992 by Joshua Rosenthal, and it now has more than 150,000 students and graduates from over 150 countries as the largest online nutrition school.The curriculum includes over 100 dietary theories, including bioindividuality, primary food and health advocacy.
The Health Coach Training Program, which is offered by Integrative Nutrition, teaches students to start a lucrative new career as a health coach. Its unique curriculum combines holistic nutrition education with comprehensive business training, coaching techniques, and self-improvement philosophies.
The IIN Learning Center is a revolutionary online learning platform from Integrative Nutrition that allows students to study on their computer, smartphone, or tablet. Students can log in from anywhere and study at their own speed thanks to the Health Coach Training Program's cross-platform functionality.
Integrative Nutrition graduates are some of the most successful practitioners in the world and are trained to educate, support, and empower individuals to make long-term healthy lifestyle changes. Graduates have gone on to found their own health coaching companies, wellness centers, product lines, books, television shows, and restaurants. They've been featured in everything from Oprah to The New York Times to Martha Stewart's Whole Living to the film "Supersize Me."
The driving force behind IIN is the mission is to play a crucial role in improving health and happiness, and through that process, create a ripple effect that transforms the world. To that end, IIN is committed to supporting its students, graduates, and the greater community to push initiatives that promote health and wellness.

► Learn more about Becoming a Health Coach:
► IIN teachers and guest speakers on WHY health coaches are needed:
► Companion Articles
► Join the Health Coach community
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I sometimes refuse to eat because ik what my family have to feed me w isn't good for my health or so I think because its mostly either processed either somewhat else and oh they eat a lot of meat w almost no vegetables. U know how horrible that is, right?
The most sucks that I'm too afraid to tell them how I truly feel about their food... I might hurt them a lot, can't really bear their yelling, and they don't I understand me at all...
I really need to move away but that's not easy... especially in this given situation with a conflict almost near my home (I'm from Moldova, its capital) - who knows what tomorrow awaits us... 😓
Anw.. I don't even know to cook and I'm not the -messin person... so i won't really like to mess in someone's else s kitchen..
But I'd try to cook little portions from myself
But they don't even have what I need, neither i do... and I'm so afraid to speak up
Yeah, nutritional injustice...


Sometimes food is first when the food you are having is so depremental to your health, by zapping your energy and not allowing you to achieve the life you desire!
