Mega Man X8 - Boss Battle (Mega Man Zero 4-Style)

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Balancing the volumes of MMZ4 instruments becomes really boring after a while, and this is very complex, Z4 instruments sometimes sounds like muddy. So I had to reduce the volume of other instruments so that the main melody could be heard.
Btw Midi by King Meteor.
(I used Rockman XOver World 7 Boss sprites for Mavericks.)
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*If Zero has not defeated 4 Mavericks yet!*
Optic Sunflower: A Maverick Hunter!? Here!? Who in the world are you? Why are you here? Who am I?
Zero: Aw man... He's gone off the deep end once again.
Optic Sunflower: No! No! No! We may not be the good guys, but we're no monsters. Why can't you see?
Dark Mantis: Well we met again Zero!
Zero: I'm surprised you hadn't shaking your boots right about now, Maverick.
Dark Mantis: We new generation Reploids are designed differently than old style Reploids.
Zero: Oh that may be, but you are all old news story. So let's fight now Maverick.
Zero: You used to be an incredible scientist, but it looks like you've gone Maverick now.
Gravity Antonion: Incredible? Maverick? What do those words even mean?
Zero: You'd have to ask someone smarter than me.
Gravity Antonion: Your honestly is matched only by your supreme foolishness. Well, at any rate, if you choose to stand in my way, I'll destroy you!
Earthrock Trilobyte: The minerals we mine here are essential to the development of space. But I don't suppose that means much to you, does it Zero?
Zero: Space development? Mavericks don't usually worry about such complicated issues.
Earthrock Trilobyte: Hmpf! I will not be insulted by a broken down scrap heap like you!
Zero: Return Resistence & Neo Arcadia's power to normal. Now...
Gigabolt Man-O-War:
Zero: He's so far gone, he can't even respond...
Gigabolt Man-O-War: I'm no Maverick... I'm not doing anything wrong...
Zero: Looks like I'll have to teach you a lesson!
Avalanche Yeti: Zero, even if you refuse to understand our ideal, at least just leave us be.
Zero: Hmpf. I could never understand the ideals of Maverick slime!
Avalanche Yeti: You truly are an old model, aren't you? You can't change the world with that thinking.
Zero: Change the world? With destruction? Leave it to a Maverick to come up with that.
Burn Rooster: We met again at this very place-
Zero: At the waste disposal center... After I'm through slicing and dicing, this is where I'll toss what's left of you.
Burn Rooster: Hmpf. All I'm doing is listening to the cries of pain... The cries of all the Reploids you've sent here because you decided they were Mavericks.
Zero: If you can hear all that, I guess that means you're a Maverick too, huh?
Burn Rooster: Ha! You'll soon realize who's wrong and who's right in this struggle
Bamboo Pandamonium: You mean to tell me you've never thought such things yourself, Zero? That the world wishes for destruction and nothing more?
Bamboo Pandamonium: That's why space rockets were invented. To escape this destructive world.
Zero: Gimme a break. This perfect world you Mavericks keep blabbering about doesn't even exist.
Bamboo Pandamonium: No, it doesn't. That's why we must destroy this one.

*If Zero has already defeated 4 Mavericks!*
Optic Sunflower: Zero... Surely you've figured it out. You must have an inkling as to what we're after here again.
Zero: What would I know about how you Mavericks think?
Optic Sunflower: My master remembers you well. You had your chance to become the ultimate destroyer of worlds. But that's ancient history now.
Dark Mantis: What a waste, huh, Zero?
Zero: What are you talking nonsense Maverick?
Dark Mantis: You could have made a great general in our ranks. My master has shown quite an interest in you, you know.
Zero: Hmpf! I'm not interested in joining up with Mavericks, thank you very much. And don't worry... I'll be going after your boss as soon as I'm finished with you.
Zero: Has Weil made you like this again? Did he force you and the others to go Maverick?
Gravity Antonion: Maverick? You actually think you can sum my master up with that word?
Zero: All I know about him is that we can’t let him get away with this or the world's in trouble.
Gravity Antonion: Your honesty is matched only by your supreme foolishness. If you can't understand our great plan, then you must be eliminated.
Earthrock Trilobyte: The minerals we mine are essential to the development of space, Zero.
Zero: And you're mining it for Weil? Are you crazy?
Earthrock Trilobyte: Have you given any thought as to why my master might want such resources such as this?
Zero: I don't need to know your plan to know that it stinks and I won't let you get away with it!
Earthrock Trilobyte: You'll have to answer to my master sooner or later, you worthless pile of scrap!
Zero: Neo Arcadia's power out of control? How does this fit in to Weil's evil plans?
Gigabolt Man-O-War:
Zero: He's so far gone, he can't even respond...
Gigabolt Man-O-War: My master needs energy to make his new world a reality.
Zero: A new world? Well, that plan's not getting any farther than this!
Avalanche Yeti: Zero. My master sees a part for you in his new ideal world.
Zero: What do you Mavericks see in me? Aside from a potential beating, that is...
Avalanche Yeti: Your world... Your ideals... are incomprehensible to my master.
Zero: Why have you started a riot? Is this Sigma's doing? I don't think Weil is a type to do so.
Burn Rooster: Can't you hear them, Zero? The cries of woe from those Reploids discarded here in the name of justice?
Zero: Woe? Give me a break!
Burn Rooster: You won't mock me when the new world becomes a reality!
Bamboo Pandamonium: You mean to tell me you've never thought such things yourself, Zero? That the world wishes for destruction and nothing more?
Zero: Who do you believe more? Sigma? or Weil?
Bamboo Pandamonium: Perhaps. Perhaps my master has also seen a little of himself inside of you...
Zero: Whatever. It's finished between me and Weil.
Bamboo Pandamonium: What will end, Zero, is this world or will you sacrifice yourself in this cursed planet.


Megaman x7-boss battle (megaman zx advent-style)




Alouette: I saw a strange lady in the base. She had purple hair and looked kinda like an old Reploid. Weirdest of all, she seemed obsessed with YOU, and she’s headed for Ciel’s office!

Zero: Why does that sound familiar? I don’t know who it could be, but I think I remember someone who fit that description. She had a crush on me, too.

Alouette: Could you investigate, please?

Zero: Yes, baby.

(Zero comes into Ciel’s office. Layer is leaning on a wall.)

Zero: L…Layer? I’m busy. Can we talk?
Layer: Heh. There’s no need. You thought I was dead, right? You had a point. But Weil endows us all with life and equality!
Zero: What the heck? Layer, you were above this. Why would you sell out, especially all these years later?
Layer: Silence, my precious. I will splatter Ciel’s brains on the wall and have you all to myself!
Zero: Ugh… another fallen hero. I smell something is very wrong with you. You paid the price long ago, with the Elf Wars or even earlier. I never saw you much anyway.
Layer: What? You can’t abandon me like that! You leave another girl for dead and now romance with some… human! Now I want to see you show your awesome might against me!
Zero: Prepare to face zero mercy, “Layer”.

(Fight starts)

(Zero defeated)
Layer: “Hahahaha! It was all just a trap! I never wanted to love you, I was only using it to distract you into a brawl! And you fell for it! Hahahahaha!

(Ciel killed)
Layer: And now you are mine!

(Layer defeated/bisected)
Layer: Wait, what? Owww… that was a great show, Zero.
Zero: Nice to see you compliment me.
(Cyber-elf Layer escapes the body, turning it back into a Variant in a Layer costume, still bisected)
Zero: I had a gumption this was the case. The real thing would be too shy to face me too often. And there she is!
Layer Cyber-Elf: I’m… free! That’s awesome! Thank you so much.
Variant: Boooo! I didn’t sign up for this experiment only to fail. Weil has his fingers everywhere! Soon all of Reploidkind will obey him without question! And I’ll drag you to hell with me! If indeed I am able to go there… Bye.
(Variant explodes)
Zero: Well, got any information on what Weil’s doing with the old data?
Cyber-elf Layer: He used me as a test subject. Iris… he managed to improve this… she’s far more secured than me. I’m sorry I never got to say goodbye to you. But now I don’t have to.
Zero: I hope so too. I’m sorry.
(Zero hugs the Layer cyber elf)
Ciel: Who’s that?
Zero: Someone I knew near the end of the Maverick Wars. Haven’t seen her since before the fall of Giga City. She’s named Layer. She’s shy, so don’t introduce her to too many people.
(Alouette walks in)
Alouette: Pretty. What’s your name?
Cyber-elf Layer: Layer.
Alouette: Are you a sword Cyber Elf?


I’ve been waiting for a Z style of this song. Finally someone did it


This is a masterpiece they sync up perfectly


Imagine hearing the Mega Man X5 credits theme with the MMZ4 instruments, that would be incredible. Aside from that, great job!


X7 boss battle in MMZ3 style would be awesome


Megaman 7 - Wily Fortress 3 (X1/X3 Style)


Dr. Weil Number = Copy-Chip Variant
EX Skill = Tenkuuha W

Bio = A Variant that uses a Copy Chip embued with Layer's data, this unit was used as an assassin to try and kill Zero.


I was thinking about doing dialogue for a mission where Zero fights Layer, but I can’t think of much for it. I was thinking maybe Layer would try to assassinate Ciel to win Zero over.


You got those hooks down well. Good job!


Amazing Conversion
P.S. Kaze me Tsutaete in 16 Bit (Rockman X) 🙏


Zero: Are you guy's still working for Lumine? Sigma's gone already !


Altough I don't like the z4 soundfont much this sounds great!


This was amazing! Now I kinda wonder how Mega Man 7's Wily stage 1 would sound in either the Zero instruments or the X1 instruments

Thank you for this one, it sounds really good!!


Mega man x bosses (alternative with mmz style):

Bamborix Chin-Fur
Avalanga Yeteer
Kukurru Solarster
Optix Sunflozol


Your... Your Work Is NICE AND EXCELENT...


If zero didn’t destroy but he traveled in alternate universe


Neo Arcadians:

Bamboo Pandotorux
Solar Sunflower
Dark Mantagotta
Gravity Antoqaax
Tunnel Trilobytta
Gigaboltus Warstank
Avalanche yetigang
Burn Kuagoon
