2024 Democratic Presidential Candidate | Marianne Williamson | ECONOMICS & MENTAL HEALTH

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#marianne2024 #anewbeginning
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Keep these videos coming Marianne - whoever is helping her PR thanks - and all pf us need to spread her talks and policies around - she is helping the mental health of all of us by having a VISION OF THE PATH FORWARD - ! No matter where her campaign takes her - she is doing so much good by talking publicly and she is really challenging the status quo


As my grandma Irene used to say "✋️ FACT" ❤


Gabor Mate’ speaks of this trauma based society. Would love to hear you two speak together.


❤Voting 4 Marianne is a good decision❤


Everyone has a right, in their own comment space provided to each viewer, to share their point of view. If someone else's view does not agree with mine, I don't then feel the need to attack them. We are so fortunate to be able to connect with people from every state in our nation and around the world with everyone able to present pros, cons and any concerns that they may have; so that, we can all consider and reflect upon them. We can think deeply about all the various considerations presented; everyone can contribute to a healthy conversation. If I or anyone doesn’t share the view of another, it doesn’t invalidate nor should it threaten someone else’s position - it’s simply a point to consider, which is what any intelligent person would welcome in a healthy vibrant conversation around such an important topic as choosing the president of the United States. There is no need for unkindness.

I would very much like to see Marianne’s progressive policies supported, funded and enacted by congress, every single one of them! I align with the majority of her spiritual teachings. However, without anger toward one another, let’s calmly assess the following:

In 2016, Hilary Clinton won by nearly 2.9 million popular votes over DT. 7.5 million votes went to other candidates.

Those other candidate votes subtracted from Clinton’s total vote count, giving Trump the electoral college victory and the presidency.

In 2020, Biden won by 7+ million votes. However, if a similar election vote total occurs in 2024 for Biden and Trump as it did in 2016 for Clinton and Trump, those who vote for “other candidates”, will unwittingly subtract from Biden’s total vote count, giving Trump another electoral college win putting him back into the White House just as was done in 2016.

It is simple mathematics. Unless Marianne can garner the majority of base votes from Biden/Harris plus many more millions of votes additionally on top of that to secure an electoral college victory, her noble ideas and presidential bid in 2024 will REPEAT what happened to Hillary Clinton in 2016 when so many voters who hated her did not vote at all or voted for “other candidates”; thereby greatly reducing Hillary Clinton’s total vote count, which opened the door for DONALD TRUMP and made him the “president” of the United States.

CAN WE ENDURE ANOTHER 4 YEARS OF PRESIDENT TRUMP? Is this the right election year to risk repeating what happened in 2016, when DT is just a millimeter away from the Oval office?

Everyone must honor themselves by doing what each of us has determined thru our own intelligent critical analysis is the right thing to do! And we must honor everyone on this point; for doing our best on the matter of determining whom to vote for POTUS is the best we can ask of anyone! I honor everyone’s choice.

We will all learn to live with the outcome we individually and collectively vote for.


💜The health of the economy is an infinite loop with health of human health💜


We need an unconditional basic income not just universal. They don't really talk about that. What it would be is an income at poverty level plus 10, 000 so it gets everybody out of poverty but also if you add a dividend such as 30% to 50% of the GDP gold out to everybody given out to everybody this creates an automatic Grant to everybody not just a big businesses. Which will help with competition possibly and maybe help lower inflation hopefully it's my guess.


Some advice - don't upload so many videos at once. It spreads the audience thin making low view counts - which makes it look like no one cares. Quality is always better than quantity!


No one’s watching, darling take the hint
