What's the Best Test for Lyme Disease?

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I had a positive Lyme titer and was treated with tetracycline for 30 days. However, I was given a crushed tick Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever vaccine in 1952. I believe that I have lived with Spirochete microbes since then. When I do get a tick bite, it turns into a giant welt.


I took a test from Armin labs in Germany where they use the elispot. I was positive for two species of borrelia, EBV, cytomegalo virus, and a couple other pathogens. Is the elispot a reliable test?


I have or use to have a beef allergy, but when my Dr. tested for tick-borne diseases it came back negative. I have had several delayed reactions, abdominal pain, hives, early in the morning after I had eaten beef the night before. I've heard it is referred to as alpha-gal & also that it can go away after a while. The curious thing is that I can eat my wife's spaghetti with hamburger in it but not spaghetti & meatballs. Other than hamburger in spaghetti, I haven't eaten beef in 6 or 7 years.


I have tested positive for Lyme. Elisa was 10 and 5 positive IgG bands on the Western Blot. Then Igenix was as positive as one can get. I am seeing a Functiinal Medicine doctor and on the Will Wiegman protocol since Jan. My symptoms persist. Taking all of these pills is just overwhelming. I have to make myself gag these horsepills down. Any suggestions? Pain in my legs, severe tinnitus, pain in neck and back of head, exhaustion, insomnia, nausea. I am really tired of feeling this way.


Hello doctor, i tested positive for active epstien barr virus a year ago. It is no longer active but i still have symptoms on and off like sore throat, headches, back and neck pain and eye pain. I was tested for lyme twice and it was negative. Could this just be the ebv or does this sound like lyme?


Dr. Rawls what’s your opinion on using the CD57 blood test?


Does a dark blood test with a microscopy works well for chronic Lyme?


I did an ELISA test for Lyme and it the IGG and IGM came back saying "Not Detected". However the WESTERN BLOT IGG said not detected but the IGM said "Detected" for bands 39 & 41. My Doctor said I have a false positive result and that I don't have Lyme. From what I know in order to be diagnosed with Lyme Disease a patient must have a positive ELISA test and a positive WESTERN BLOT according to the CDC. If however the ELISA test is an old, out dated, non specific and low sensitive test, then does the WESTERN BLOT Lyme test become a better Gold Standard test?


Just got my DNA connexion lyme test back. Been battling this for 3 years. I've took a environmental test with gas fumes and covid but this lastest test any thoughts on test results? B. burgdorferi Osp B-IND


I’ve developed excruciating GI issues to the point I can no longer work. I’m housebound. I saw an “ILADS” doctor who took my blood and said I don’t have it based on the BLOODWORK. Meanwhile I have SIBO and am not getting better and have normal scans, ultrasounds and bloodwork. But I’ve never felt so sick in my life. I live in horse country with tons of ticks. I’ve found dead ticks in my room from my dog, but don’t remember a tick bite. I have limited funds now from all the doctors I’ve seen and no one will help me determine if I truly need to be treated for Lyme. Do you have any LL docs you’d recommends in the tristate area? I’m 33 (this started when I turned 31). I was a normal functioning healthy person before this happened. Any info/advice is greatly appreciated. God bless.


How do you find a Lyme literate doctor in the area I live?


I have had the Eliza and the western blot and both were positive. My Dr just basically said there’s nothing you can do but at least you have a diagnosis and has left me to figure out what to do. I do have all the symptoms. My records were sent to an infectious doctor and was then told I didn’t need to be seen because the bands so I have an appointment with a neurologist. I have the brain fog, vertigo chronic headaches, numbness in hands and feet. Super chronic insomnia and muscle spasms and jerking. Severe joint pain, knees look deformed from the arthritis. The list goes on, but I’m now being told I don’t have it. I don’t know what to do, was hoping you could give me some insight as to what I need to do. Thank you 🙏


Hi Doctor Rawls. As of today, what test/lab would you say has the highest accuracy. I ordered an IGenX test kit, but my FM doctor at the Cleveland Clinic (who will not treat Lyme by the way) says that Armin Labs has much better results. Not sure which one to invest my money in. Thank you.


Hah! Money in positive PCR test. Are we surprised?


I just tested positive for Lyme's with the Western Blot test. 2 out of the 3 bands were positive. Is this a for sure that I have Lyme's or should I also do another test to confirm?


Would a Ig G positive bands 41 and 66 on a western blot plus feeling so bad you just want to stay inside with muscle aches and headaches and other symptoms be a positive for Lyme disease?
