Best way to share “pretty” snippets of code online

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“Carbon lets you create and share beautiful images of your source code.
You know all of those code screenshots you see on Twitter? Although the code's usually impressive, we thought there was room for improvement in the aesthetic department. So what are you waiting for? Go try it out and impress all your developer and designer friends. 🎨”

Ways to import code:
— Drop a file into the editor
— Append a GitHub gist id to the url (example)
— Paste your code directly
— Set the programming language

Ways to customize the look:
— change the syntax theme or window theme
— change background color/image
— change the padding, shadow styling, or application button styling

Ways to share/export:
— Tweet a link to the image,
— download/save it directly.

⁉️ Let me know what you think - would you use this?

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