This Was the World's Most Dangerous Amusement Park

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Subreddit is moderated by Oliver Bourdouxhe
Special thanks to my Patrons: Danny Clemens, Adam Kelly, Sarah Hughes, Greg Parham, Owen, Donna
Videos explaining things. Mostly over topics like history, geography, economics and science.
We believe that the world is a wonderfully fascinating place, and you can find wonder anywhere you look. That is what our videos attempt to convey.
Currently, I try my best to release one video every week. Bear with me :)
Subreddit is moderated by Oliver Bourdouxhe
Special thanks to my Patrons: Danny Clemens, Adam Kelly, Sarah Hughes, Greg Parham, Owen, Donna
Videos explaining things. Mostly over topics like history, geography, economics and science.
We believe that the world is a wonderfully fascinating place, and you can find wonder anywhere you look. That is what our videos attempt to convey.
Currently, I try my best to release one video every week. Bear with me :)
I Tried The World's Most Exclusive Restaurants
The worlds largest cat. Guinness, book of world records three times. Liger MyrtleBeachSafari
World‘s Strongest Man VS Apple
AJR - World's Smallest Violin (Official Video)
World's Largest Land Vehicles
World‘s Most Shredded Kid‘s Workout Routine
200 of World's Most Evil Kids!
This Is the Most Dangerous Hike in the World
The World 's most dangerous Road Crossings
Visiting the worlds most expensive House in India 🇮🇳
20 People you won't believe exist 😱
World's Largest Nerf Gun
Earth's Most Wanted Hacker
World's smallest cat 🐈- BBC
The World's Cheapest Date | Extreme Cheapskates
Life on Tristan da Cunha – the World's Most Remote Inhabited Island
World's Most Dangerous Places: Oymyakon, Russia | Stories from the Hidden Worlds | Free Documen...
America's Cheapest Family! | Extreme Cheapskates
Visiting the World’s Most Daпgeгous Road: “Karakoram D℮ath Road” (There are casuaIti℮s!)
7 Most Wonderful Natural Phenomena In The World
The World´s Biggest and Strongest Chainsaws !!!
TOP 15 Forbidden Places You’re Not Allowed to Visit
The World’s Most Aggressive Telemarketer - Key & Peele
World’s Largest Chicken Nugget (Official World Record)