Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - Spoiler Review!

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Grab your sling ring as we open a portal to my spoiler-filled thoughts on the latest MCU film - what I liked, what I didn't, and what's next.


0:00 - Intro & discourse notes
5:20 - America & MacGuffins
10:42 - Let's talk about Wanda
16:12 - Cool sequences & miscellaneous thougths
20:22 - Ad break
22:19 - The cameos
26:39 - The finale
32:01 - Wrap-up
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For a movie called Multiverse of Madness, apart from the montage of universes, the universes they chose to actually spend time in weren't that insane. Everything Everywhere All at Once understood that if there really was an infinite multiverse that one could travel through, there would be some really weird stuff out there.


Monica: "They'll never understand what you sacrificed for them"
Wanda: "Oh, I'm not giving any of this up"


It would’ve been great if her kids are calling for help so she goes to all this trouble because she has to save her boys yet…..twist…..the person they were calling to their mom (838) was Wanda herself as Scarlett Witch (616).


I’m glad everyone seems to have liked the music fight. Say what you’re will about Darkhold Strange, he went out on a high note


I personally loved that it was Zombie Strange giving that pep talk to America. I thought it was both funny and heartfelt and ultimately made the scene more memorable.


I just wish they show more about what Darkhold did to Wanda between the finale of WandaVision and the start of this movie (like what they did to Wenwu in ShangChi), bcs Wanda become so determined all of the sudden and she's willing to do whatever it takes to get back to her children,
and how she finds out about America Chavez, how she know her location, and how can she send all those demons after her. I was so confused at the beginning

Also, its borderline criminal that they severely underused Rachel McAdams in MCU🥲


I think a big issue with the Wanda going dark thing is that not many people know about the Darkhold. It’s barely mentioned in WV and Kevin Feige separated Agents of Shield from the MCU… so most people didn’t watch it. But the Darkhold was a big focal point in season 4 of AOS. It shows what it does to people who even read it for a second. But we don’t get that in the main “616” timeline


You put my diffuse feelings about the movie in great words. I was expecting Wanda to BECOME the villain, but not just to be the villain right away.


What's weird to me is they could've just had it be a Wanda from another universe and it all would've worked fine.

Also another thing that makes it feel like Disney just wants diversity credit is the dead moms never really goes anywhere. You'd think there'd be connections with America and Wanda both having family a universe away, but no, they don't explore that connection much at all.


I’m sure I am not the only person to mention this but America wearing LGBTQ pins literally on her sleeve is straight out of the comics. America herself is a very loud and proud lesbian character. Not that I enjoy defending Disney but I often see Disney being called out for “patting themselves on the back” regarding queer representation when most of the time it’s media outlets/sites that pick up on it and make a bigger deal out of it.

I’m not absolving Disney of when they HAVE tried to flex their progressive street cred and fell on their face (LaFou, SW Ep9, etc) but I do think it’s now a damned if you do damned if you don’t scenario. So now even when implementing small flourishes of representation from the source material everyone second guesses it as pandering on Disneys part.


This is my favorite review so far because of your honesty. 👍Keep up the great work


I purposefully avoided ads to give myself no expectations for the film. I wasn’t excited nor not excited to see it. And I gotta say, I loved it. Not the best marvel film and many plot holes in it but you know what I still liked it. I gotta admit, loved how it branched from the marvel norm and wasn’t scared to show some more graphic scenes.


As someone who hasn't seen a marvel movie since infinity war, I really enjoyed Dr. Strange. I didn't go in with any expectations and didn't care about the overall impact on the marvel universe since I'm so far behind. So as a stand alone movie, I really enjoyed it. I just wish they leaned into the different horror elements a bit more


I really appreciate Dan as a critic. His argument break down about those 4 clumsy and stupid tactics people use to argue, irritate the hell outta me. Thanks for bringing that up!
That being said, I disagree. I really liked this movie and the good moments ultimately, to me, outweighed the problems it had.
Also unrelated The Nothman was good looking but Way too weird. The good ratings from everyone absolutely baffle me lol


This was the longest ad for Dave's Chicken, ever. Appreciate the breakdown! I think the characterization of Wanda was explained as a side effect of using the darkhold too long, but it's definitely contrived. Liked the movie but understand all the takes. It's definitely not Marvel's A-game but I still love it for Sam Raimi.


Dan always knows how to articulate my thoughts about a movie. —,


I've got tickets to watch tomorrow but I had to bookmark this vid because I'm dying to hear your thoughts.
Definitely the first thing I do after the movie.


I 100% agree with Dan's take on Wanda's portrayal. It is really unfortunate that more thought wasn't given to the character's overall arc


I still do not know how to feel entirely about this movie. I saw it today and I think I need to see it again before I can fully voice my opinions.

I will say that I think this movie is missing two series/movies that give us a bit more on Wanda's turn to the dark side as well as Doctor Strange vs Mordo. Both stories were hand waved as "having happened" in the off screen time between the last Doctor Strange movie and WandaVision, and while I am fine with some events happening off screen (like Tony and Pepper having gotten married and had a kid, being in a real relationship), some events need a bit more than a "yadda yadda yadda" to explain what happened and when there IS a story to tell, tell the story. Mordo becoming a villain and Doctor Strange having to deal with that threat is not only a good story, but it is a story we were set up to get and not getting it... feels bad. Similarly, while the end of WandaVision sets up her going down the dark path, reading the Darkhold, that is just a set up for either a longer story to be told over multiple movies, or a second series where she starts exploring the book and "goes bad"... not just poof, she's bad now. It equally felt like something was missing and that missing piece (both of these story events) could have made a lot of what happened feel better overall. That being said, I still enjoyed the movie overall... I think.


"We're not concerned. We can handle your little Scarlet Witch." - paste
