It’s like they are fighting a war against commercial success.
Do these activists not understand WHY people like to play video games?? The concept of escapism is completely lost on them.
Haven't bought Last Of Us II, will not buy Intergalactic. Only I choose how I spend my time and money.
I can’t wait for the devs to cry about nobody playing their new game. It’s kind of amazing…they’re either playing dumb or are actually dumb, not sure which is worse.
I can smell the huge failure from 100 miles ago, Naughty Dog is officially DEAD.
Bored of this. I'm just playing old games now, from when characters were characters rather than sexualities, genders and races. Strangely turns out there are loads of games I can still play and I don't need to spend £50 - £70 on them.
If an Activist is involved in anything, it should be an immediate red flag to not trust the product at all.
This game is doomed on arrival.
First the yotei actress, now this one. Sony should never have relocated to California.
A NaughtyDog/Neil Druckman game is a hard pass for me.
Im a woman and a gamer, I just want pretty girls, please!!
Oh of course she's an not surprised 🙄
I feel like the AAA industry have a speedrun competition on who can go bankrupt first.
Why would anyone want to play as that creature.?
Sony thought they could compete with Ubisoft for most money flushed down the toilet in a single year and found out that $400M was not enough to take home the prize.
it’s like they’re just rehashing the same tired talking points. The conversation never moves forward; it just keeps resetting, trapping everyone in this loop of predictable rhetoric.
“We need to see more LGBT representation”
Yes, because the best strategy to sell a product is to blame the consumer if they don't like something of a product.
How many times has that worked?😅
All of these idiots thought they’d get ahead of the Woke curve a few years ago: because they thought that they HAD TO. Now they realize they basically pissed away a lot of $$$$ for nothing, ruined most of their big games that took years to create, alienated the community and gamers in general. But that sunk cost fallacy is hard to explain to investors.
Thanks Sony for saving me so much money.
Thats ratios is literally 2.5 to 1! 😂😂😂 should be a smashing success. The ugly main character makes me wanna 🤮