Tips and Tricks to Get a Phase I SBIR Award

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The Florida APEX Accelerator Expert Speaker Series and the Central Florida Tech Grove are excited to present “SBIR Explained”, a 3-part webinar series dedicated to explaining the federal innovation and research programs. The three series topics are:

• October 10 (1:00pm-3:00pm): “How to Get Started with SBIRs”
• October 24 (1:00pm-3:00pm): “Tips and Tricks to Get a Phase I SBIR Award”
• November 13 (1:00pm-3:00pm): “SBIR Expert Panel”

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funds are offered by the 11 largest federal agencies/institutions to help spur innovation and growth in government programs and in the economy overall. The current SBIR agencies are: Transportation, Agriculture, EPA, Commerce, Energy, Education, National Science Foundation, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, NASA, and the Department of Defense.

The Florida APEX Accelerator at the University of Central Florida is a member of the Florida APEX Accelerator, a statewide network powered by the University of West Florida and funded in part by the State of Florida and local partners. This APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense
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