NBB Trader: The Best ICT Trader In The World | WOR Podcast EP.45

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In this episode of The Words of Rizdom Podcast we are joined by NBB Trader (Omor) ✅. Omar is an Master of ICT concepts and is regarded as one of the best in the world. He shares his secrets on SMC and has cracked the "trading code" having discovered the holy grail of forex trading. His lessons in forex & day trading are packed with value so grab your pen & paper!

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I hope you all enjoy this episode, let me know who you'd like to see on the podcast. 🙏🏽

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Where to find me:

00:00:00 - Intro
00:03:32 - Trading Retail Patterns vs. Smart Money Concepts
00:07:12 - Liquidity Generation and Clearing Companies
00:10:42 - The Shift in ICT Kill Zones
00:14:16 - Debating Pointless Things on Twitter
00:17:22 - Time and Energy Wasted on Debates and Drama
00:20:33 - The Hard Mentality
00:23:47 - Importance of Consistency in Trading Methods
00:26:59 - Algorithmic Delivery in Trading
00:30:18 - Simple Retracement ICT Entry Strategy
00:33:40 - The Decision to Decline Oxford
00:37:11 - The Impact of Trading Losses
00:40:32 - The Dangers of the Leaderboard
00:43:42 - Managing Risk and Drawdowns
00:46:51 - Prepared Luck and Smart Trading
00:49:57 - The Benefits of Trading Success
00:53:22 - Marketers vs Traders and the importance of focus and dedication
00:56:19 - The Power of Central Banks
01:02:21 - Living a Mediocre Life for Financial Security
01:05:30 - Thoughts on the SMC vs Not SMC Debate

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial adviser. The videos on my channel are for educational purposes o
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I love how the host tries not to be biased, he will never say someone is wrong, he tries to understand the perspective the other trader is coming from and see it from his view and how it works for the other guy even tho it might necessarily not work for him, Great host, easy to see why he succeeded in the trading game too


This is a highly valuable interview. Omor appears to be a very grounded and focused young man and his story is inspiring. Thank you for the content... no trader can escape the trials and tribulation on this path. Discipline and resilience are keys to success. Peace to you both, UK.


Me and omor worked in Tesco’s together for 3 years. I’ll back the fact that he’s very intelligent. He’s come a long way as a trader. I followed his footsteps, soon I’ll be there too - just took me a little longer 😅 Happy for Him, well done bro ❤💯


The game changer in trading comes down to discipline, self discipline & solid trading plan will make you consistent with time, if you lack these elements, even though you're trading smc, ICT and etc... You can never be consistent!
Nice content by the way 👍🏽


Definitely need a part two. Both host and Omor are very articulate and they work well together. The head on Omor shocks me, has a good mind for how young he is. Allahumma Barik. Would love to see another one.


"Give up 3 days of trading for 2 weeks of clear bias" I felt that one. That's a golden nugget!


I respect this guy straight up legit honest person . He’s a different breed in the trading community


This interview started me on ICT Concepts about a year ago. Had only been into trading about 6 months at the time, trading chart patterns, etc. Safe to say, my understanding of price and my ability to read charts is so far ahead of where it would have otherwise been, and I'm only getting better. Thanks ICT, Omor and Riz. Y'all put me on.


The most illuminating video I have heard since ICT released his 2016 mentorship and 2022 series. But without the fluff!😂
I agree, ICT definitely loves the sound of his own voice, however his stuff is gold if you can "go the distance."
The clearing house information is a missing link. Many thanks for sharing.👍


I’m in omors TG channel and he’s a level headed down to earth guy for his age way ahead of the curve, and has clearly done what he’s needed to do to get better. Time off socials and worked on his self development and came out on top. Others need to take note. Well done you should be very proud 👍


One of the best and a great head on his shoulders. Some golden nuggets in there for sure! 3 days away from the charts for 2 weeks bias is one of them!


I wish I was this switched on at that age, amazing maturity in young traders I see regularly. It’s good to see young men on the right path so early on in life. Great interview 🫡


My take away is to treat trading as a journey, be humbled in the beginning, have a bigger picture of where you want your family to be and where you would like to be as well. Also that School isn’t an enemy of progress but instead it can open up your mind to see how you could learn and apply yourself to go in deep on challenging things. Thank you for the wisdom shared in this podcast interview I truly appreciate what you and the team are doing.


This is one epic conversation, so much hidden knowledge talked about. You guys have kept it completely real and the fact ICT came here also. Wow


Wish this young man all the best - happy he has found his passion and may he continue to be successful


Omor's mentorship is the best one I've been in. A trader who can teach is a rare thing indeed.


Amazing interview i love it because it was a good talk about ICT, SMC and Convention Retail Trading. This helps a lot of people to take a view outside the box and have a good thought about these "systems". The market is not perfect and there is no perfect system as well. As a trader our goal is to be consistent and sound risk management with a strong psychology. There are no bad trading systems or strategies, there are only bad traders. Thanks for the video and sharing. Keep it up. Happy Trading.


Legend, Omor's been undervalued for a while now. Glad to finally see him get the recognition that is deserved.


Great interview. I’m an ICT educated trader myself and almost everything he said resonated with me. I’m glad I just came across this interview. I just subscribed. Thanks
