MINI MAKEUP DECLUTTER | 10 items I'm saying good-bye to

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Dear products: thank you for your service, now kindly GTFO. 😛

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For reference:
Age: 42
Skin type: normal, leaning towards dry
Mac shade: NC20
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Apologies in advance for the mother-flippin' Windows notification!!


I like the background change! The candle makes it feel cozier and more like we are just chatting at home.


From what I’ve heard Merit products go off/expire quickly so I suspect that’s what’s occurred. I’m sure you’re glad to see the backside of the Tartlette palette! You made good use of that one!! 👍🏻


I like the background change! I just did a declutter of some makeup I haven't touched in months. And I see a lipstick declutter in my future.


Congratulations on your progress with the Tarte palette! Well done!


To watch Tarlette being Decluttered was TOTALLY bittersweet for me 😊


More often I am taking stock of what's in my drawers (make up and skin care) and de-cluttering. I do use most of the products I buy (a frugal Manitoban!) but sometimes items do get left aside. And, some things just get old and need to go. Or, I received as a gift and it isn't something I want/ like. I try to pass those along. I also trying to avoid having "back-ups" (skin care) - I can get most of my favorite items within a week (online) or drag myself to a store :).

Thanks for sharing your mini-declutter. Background is fine. Not distracting - do what makes you happy!


I’m so glad you mentioned the oden’s eye palette issues, this will save me the import and duty fees! Was seriously considering ordering to try their formula, but will definitely pass now 😊


Somehow I can't get enough of NYX highglass, but I don't use it all over the face, most on my cheeks and upper part of my face, on the perimeter. For me, it makes my skin looks healthier/more hydrated. Like... I've hit major pan in mine, I didn't know it was possible for me 😅😂 Also, I love the feedback on the merit highlight stick. I've been tempted by it before and with the extent of my collection I now know it won'T be a great fit as I will probably don't use it enough before it expires. I love that format of declutter (ok, I love all declutters), it's closer to the way I do it personally and I love the feedback and thoughts on all the products!


I wish I paid more attention to ingredients in the lip balms I use because there has to be something specific that does that drying out thing. I HATE when I get one that forces you to use it all day like you're dying for your next fix. It's annoying!
I like the background. It's very Canadian of you! hehe


You got to try LA girl foundation mixers? I got the white for my foundations that are perfect in summer but I use that to lighten them up for winter. I got the yellow and blue also they are super cheap at Ulta. They saved me from decluttering alot of foundations.


I like a good pop of color in the background.
I gpt rid of eyelashes and eyelash glue, I just do not use them! I cannot be bothered honestly. I also may have to declutter two (or even more) single green eyeshadows, they are way too subtle, not enough 'shifty' if duochrome or not enough shiny. Green is my favourite eyeshadow color (close followed by red) and I cannot waste my time with dull eyeshadows!
But on a positive note I keep selling my still untoached makeup online: I do not earn that much but I get rid of stuff, somebody else will hopefully love that and I won't waste anything.


bc you asked: I love the addition to the background, more symmetrical which I appreciate lol


So much to love in this video! I love a declutter and your eye makeup looks so nice! Re: The background - for me personally, the red from the Canada thing in the background distracts me so I find my eye keeps getting drawn towards it instead of at you. Other than that, I don’t mind it!


I bought the Merit stick in December, and it smelled like gone off walnuts by February. It's my first purchase from the brand, so I'm feeling really meh all around now. I'm a fan of stable shelf life and well-tested preservatives.🤷🏻‍♀️


Love the switch up of the background! I only ever mind if it throws off the camera and the colors, but I don't think yours is doing either.


I like the background looks organized and comfortable. I haven't tried the Rimmel Kind foundation, but I have tried the Mascara and Brow pencil and like both of them. The mascara is perfect for a no makeup look, and the brow pencil color is good for my brow hair. Thanks for the Windows warning, if you didn't, I would have thought it was my computer acting up.


Does your merit balm stick smell like old generic crayons? I just pulled mine out to give it a sniff. One of my friends said that hers smelled like it’s gone off and she just got it a couple months ago!
