FLX - Scaldopack - Monofiller Multi-head 2 Bag Filling through the Spout and Capping

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The Monofiller Multihead 2 is our automatic pouch filling through the spout and capping machine. It can fill top and/or corner spouted pouches.

It can be used for:

Food such as baby food, dips, hummus, sauces, peanut butter, honey, yoghurt, juices, alcoholic beverages.
Non-food such as gels, shampoo, lotions, soaps, conditioner, cleaners, softeners, automotive oils and adhesives.
This machine can be custom designed and built with a range of different options according to your filling conditions, product(s) to fill and size of your pouch or your spout.

The Monofiller Multihead 2 is also available with outfeed conveyor and buffer station.

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