Network Marketing Recruiting - How You Can Recruit 10 People in 1 Week!

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Network Marketing Recruiting - How You Can Recruit 10 People in 1 Week!

In this video I want to share with you How You Can Recruit 10 People in 1 Week in your Network Marketing Business.

I am super excited to be able to share with you not just the theory behind Network Marketing Recruitment but also some numbers and data for you to understand what you actually need to do in terms of the ACTIVITY to Recruit 10 People in 1 Week in your MLM Business.

A lot of people have the big Network Marketing Recruiting goals, so that is maybe why you are here to learn about Network Marketing Recruiting in just 1 Week.

To start you with, here's how to recruit in Network Marketing, my Network Marketing Recruiting Tips:

1:30 🚀 Network Marketing Recruiting STRATEGIES: Active Prospecting VS Attraction Marketing 🚀

The first important concept to understand when talking about Network Marketing Recruiting is the difference between Active Prospecting and Attraction Marketing.

Active Prospecting means you're the one making the first step, you're the one chasing people (offline or online), you're the one starting the conversation.

Attraction Marketing means you're becoming the hunted instead of the hunter, you are attracting people to you instead of you chasing them.

If you’re just starting out in your Network Marketing business, you will mostly focus on Active Prospecting strategies. Then, once you start having consistent results, you will gradually focus more on Attraction Marketing strategies.

For you to understand better this 1st concept of the Network Marketing Recruiting Secrets, I highly encourage you to watch my video.

6:25 🚀 Network Marketing Recruiting STRATEGIES: Online Recruiting Funnels 🚀

If you are in Network Marketing and you want to make more sales of your products and services, or you want to recruit more people into your business, then you absolutely need a Network Marketing funnel.

A funnel is a guided process that will convert your prospects into customers and distributors very very fast.

There are different types of Network Marketing Recruiting funnels that you can use: Messenger Funnel, Webinar Funnel, Consultation Funnel, Quiz Funnel,...

Still wondering which Network Marketing Recruiting Funnel is best for you? Still questioning Network Marketing How To Recruit? Want to find out more? Then keep watching my video.

9:09 🚀 Network Marketing Recruiting STRATEGIES: Know Your Numbers 🚀

If you don't know your numbers, you will just keep wasting time, energy and money when trying to recruit 10 people in 1 single week in your Network Marketing Business.

Knowing your numbers is crucial when it comes to how to recruit people into your MLM business. You need to know how much you can make for every new customer or distributors and how much you spend to acquire them.

Only then you will know whether you'll be profitable or not when implementing Network Marketing Online Recruiting strategies.

I share more details and examples with you in the video, keep watching to learn more on how to recruit people in Network Marketing, more Network Marketing Recruiting Tips.

11:02 🚀 Network Marketing Recruiting STRATEGIES: Real Life Case Study 🚀

In this real-life case study I show you how one of our clients was able to Recruit 10 New Distributors into his Network Marketing business in 1 single week, by applying Attraction Marketing Strategies together with Online MLM Recruiting Funnels.

More specifically, he was able to make over $300 profit from front-end commissions and now he can reap the long term benefits of Network Marketing Recruiting by enjoying residual income coming in from those 10 people. These are my top Network Marketing Recruiting Tips.

So, if you also want to build your Network Marketing business online fast and recruit 10 people in 1 week, then make sure you watch this video until the end and get access to this brand new FREE 10-Day Online Recruiting Bootcamp:

⏰ Timestamps In This Video ⏰
0:00 Intro
1:30 Active Prospecting VS Attraction Marketing
6:25 Online Recruiting Funnels
9:09 Know Your Numbers
11:02 Real Life Network Marketing Recruiting Case Study
14:41 Free Recruiting Bootcamp
Рекомендации по теме

I need to recruit 4 more people for me to get my payment and this helped like magic.


Great content! Loved the real life case study as well! 😍
