Test Your Knowledge! What Is The Most Effective Treatment For A Burn...? #Burns #FirstAid #Quiz

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FACT: In Winter, burns from heaters, fireplaces, hot water bottles, and hot beverages are more frequently seen. ⁠
Scalds are the most common cause of burns in little ones. (Link in bio for BRANZ Annual Report 2020/21)⁠

If your little one sustains a burn injury;⁠

❌ Do not use ice to cool the burn, as this may worsen the burn. Never apply lotions, creams, or food items (including egg whites, butter, toothpaste, and potatoes) to the burn.⁠

👉🏼 Remove clothing or jewellery that is not stuck to the burn, being gentle to prevent further damage to the skin. Sometimes, you will need to cut clothing to remove it. (In a scald incident, don't forget to remove the nappy, which may have accumulated hot water and continue burning the skin, too).⁠

👉🏼 Cool running water IMMEDIATELY FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES (effective up to 3 hours after the burn occurs). This is the gold ⭐️ treatment for ALL burn injuries.⁠

It’s essential to keep your child as warm as possible and target the burn with the cool water- cool the burn, not the whole child!⁠

👉🏼 After cooling, cover the burn with a loose, non-stick dressing or plastic cling film until your child is seen by a doctor.⁠

👉🏼 If the burn is very minor, i.e., it has NOT caused the skin to blister or break, and your child is settled, you can manage at home. However, all burns in children (no matter how small) that cause the skin to blister or break should have a medical review.⁠

When should I call an ambulance?⁠

🚑 The burn is deep, even if your child does not feel any pain⁠
🚑 The burn is bigger than 3cm or has blisters⁠
🚑 The burn is on the face, hands or genitals⁠
🚑 The burn is to the throat or airway⁠
🚑 You are concerned or unsure⁠

Remember to book a baby + child first aid class so that you have the skills to respond to a burn injury.⁠

Рекомендации по теме

This does soothe immediately, but why have read somewhere that we shouldn't do this? 🤔
