Python Crash Course - ML - DataTypes - Tuple, Set & Boolean - Part 6

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This video is for learning different data types of python. we will be discussing about tuples, sets and Boolean data types in python and how to work using that. we will be discussing basics difference between tuple and list.
set and list
and what exactly Boolean datatype is.

To understand any language you need to understand the basics and this lecture is toward that.

Through out the python crash course we will be covering below topics:
* Data types in python
* Numbers
* Integer
* Float
* Strings
* variable declaration and uses
* Printing any string or variables
* Lists
* Dictionaries
* Boolean
* Tuples
* Sets
* Comparison Operators
* Logical Operation
* if, elif, else Statements
* for Loops
* while Loops
* range()
* list comprehension
* functions
* lambda expressions
* map and filter
* methods
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As you know for any algorithm to build we need to understand and learn some tools.
python is among those tool from which we will be building our whole application.

For Machine learning we need to understand the basics of Math and one programming language to convert those thoughts into realization for machine and us.

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