Ancient Atlantean Origins of Egypt, the 10000bc Ancient Technology and other Hidden Clues

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The mystery surrounding the origins of ancient civilizations has always been a topic of fascination for historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts alike. One particularly intriguing theory suggests a connection between the legendary lost continent of Atlantis and the civilization of ancient Egypt. In this blog, we will delve into the intriguing possibility of an Atlantean influence on Egypt, explore the enigmatic Younger Dryas period, and examine other hidden clues that may shed light on this ancient connection. #atlantis #ancientcivilization #edfu #egypt

The story of Atlantis has been passed down through various ancient texts, most notably from the dialogues of Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher. According to Plato, Atlantis was a powerful and advanced civilization that existed around 9,000 years before his time (approximately 11,000 years ago). Atlantis was said to be a maritime empire that eventually met a catastrophic end, sinking beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

Many theories exist about the location of Atlantis, but one hypothesis is that it was situated in the mid-Atlantic region. While Atlantis remains a subject of debate and skepticism, some researchers believe that it may have had connections to other ancient civilizations, including Egypt.

Advanced Knowledge and Technology:
Some proponents of the Atlantis-Egypt connection argue that the Atlanteans possessed advanced knowledge and technology that they shared with the Egyptians. This transfer of knowledge could have contributed to the rapid development of Egyptian civilization.

Shared Symbolism and Architecture:
Similarities in symbolism and architectural features between ancient Egypt and what is believed to be described as Atlantis in Plato's dialogues have been noted. For example, the use of obelisks in Egypt's monuments and the mention of a central island in the Atlantean story parallel certain elements of Egyptian culture and geography.

The Younger Dryas and Catastrophic Events

The Younger Dryas is a period of abrupt climate change that occurred approximately 12,800 to 11,700 years ago, marking the end of the last ice age. During this time, Earth's climate experienced a rapid cooling phase, which led to significant environmental changes. Some researchers believe that catastrophic events during the Younger Dryas may be linked to the decline of certain ancient civilizations.

Impact Hypothesis:
The Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis suggests that multiple comet or asteroid impacts occurred during this period, causing widespread wildfires, megafaunal extinctions, and possibly contributing to the decline of human populations in certain regions.

Abrupt Environmental Changes:
The rapid climate shifts during the Younger Dryas could have disrupted food sources and led to migrations and the reorganization of societies, potentially affecting the development of ancient civilizations.

Hidden Clues and Ongoing Research

While the Atlantis-Egypt connection remains speculative, ongoing research and archaeological discoveries continue to shed light on the ancient past. The quest for hidden clues linking Atlantis and Egypt, as well as the influence of the Younger Dryas on these civilizations, remains an exciting area of investigation.

The possibility of an Atlantean influence on ancient Egypt, along with the enigmatic events of the Younger Dryas, adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the study of human history. While concrete evidence may still be elusive, the pursuit of knowledge and the exploration of hidden clues serve as a testament to our fascination with uncovering the secrets of the past. Whether or not Atlantis played a role in Egypt's origins, the quest for answers continues to drive our understanding of ancient civilizations and their interconnectedness.

Several native American cultures have stories of an ancient powerful island people, who were washed away in a great flood. This applies to North America, Central America and South America alike.


I have come to a conclusion of my journey. Zeplin travel made it all possible. Building as well as sharing cultural similarities.


Wow. This gentleman is missing so much information about the time period of the Younger Dryas, world flood myths, and even recent archeological evidence that proves humans were here up to 12, 000 years ago. Before one decides to speak on a subject, the best thing they can do is research that subject. Ugh!


A lot of this doesn't make too much sense when you take into consideration that more than "Greek Writers" and "Egyptians" wrote about and explained that there was a global empire of sea goers.

In the Aesir & Venir War - the Venir are described as "conquering most of the world".

Then you only need to look and Mongoloid Genes - which cover the majority of the world - From Asia to the Americas.

Then you only need to read the ancient creation myths of the Koreans, Chinese, Inuit, etc. All of which say that their ancestors "came from the ocean".

Then all you need to do is reference the Bronze Age Collapse and The Sea People's.

Which were forced to migrate and pillage to survive after a great climate shift.

All of modern civilization (modern as in 7k+ years) came from the only habitable regions of the southern Caucuses all the way to Himalayas.

It became either too hot, too cold or too dry and everyone bunched together about 7k years ago. In that small region of the planet.

Also - the Ancient Kemitic People's were - tribespeople...

They literally moved into Egypt over 1k years after its collapse.

They couldn't rebuild anything in the Egyptian Plateau.

Every brick they shored in over older buildings is shit, crumbling apart today.

If these People's had any real "ancient knowledge passed down to them from ancient egypt".

You would think they would remember Joe to make a simple brick...

But no - these people could barely put together some sun-dried mud-bricks after they moved in and tried to claim works that they didn't accomplish. (A theme; "we wuz kangsz". Yet the entire region to this day is a "3rd world" and its entire people live in utter poverty and corruption...


The People built Egypt and an ancient crystal radio and electricity...

The least advanced People's on this planet today...

We're the most advanced people 10k years ago?



Do you honestly believe if the scientific community found anything they would tell us i doubt it very much


Saying the same thing in a different way repeatedly doesn't make it more believable.


The only thing you got right was Plato. The rest is all wrong, like all the other common folks versions.


The thing about the warm and cold water being used for some function is very interesting. As there are aqueduct channels found under the plateu.


These were the Athenians before the flood. Afterwards you can’t be sure if the greeks had any relations.


I know they were even at Colorado Springs, the most powerful city we have on North America, i didn't have to eat but every few days there, amazing spirit there


It a big world. There were, simultaneously, multiple thriving societies. A great source for technical info is Randall Carlson, among others.


Blue Eyes, Blonde or Red Hair? Really? 🙄🙄🙄
You need to explore te Sumerian text, Enuma Elish, Emerald Tablets…


I know these guy do lots of digging to find evidence, you can never be 100% . it's good to know people
were getting humanity started
for good or bad


That’s not true that there is no evidence of a sunken land mass in the mid Atlantic! They have found beach sand there and many other proxies of a sunken land mass. Not to mention isostatic depression when the weight of the ice came off the land and went into the ocean where it caused the ocean floor to sink. And there are other cultures that point to a cataclysm at 11, 600 years ago. Gobekli tepe for one and the Mayans for another and there are more.


Just because archeologists have found no evidence doesn't Impress me they didn't know about Gobekli Tepe or the others in Turkey so thats not a valid point


Hydrogen would explain the ability to travel the globe. And thus how all civilizations we're related. Zeplin


Virginia mountains are part of Atlanta I think seen a lot here


You're people will know me as uriel


Did you say urukehu for one of the helper peoples?


12, 800, 9600, 6, 400, 3200 est. Great year!
