Why I Changed My Mind on Water Fluoridation

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The effects of fluoride on the brain. Based on new research, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ National Toxicology Program reached a draft conclusion that fluoride should be “presumed to be a cognitive neurodevelopmental hazard to humans."

This is the fourth video in a five-part series on water fluoridation. If you missed any of the previous ones, see:

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Thanks for watching. I hope you’ll join in the evidence-based nutrition revolution!
-Michael Greger, MD FACLM

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So a fluoridated water supply seems like a risk but fluoridated toothpaste, which ideally isn't swallowed, seems to be the best of both worlds. It's worth mentioning that fluoride improves dental health and poor dental health is well associated with cardiovascular disease and death (Kotronia et al., 2021), likely via inflammation from bacteria and this is also a concern for stroke in particular (Sen et al., 2023). I will keep with the toothpaste and using filtered water but would be happy to have an effective fluoride alternative. So far, things like xylitol underperform (-0.4% remineralization vs fluoride's +9%, though the combination was better - Tange et al., 2004). While I'd like a solution that doesn't make people dumber, I would be curious to see an analysis comparing heart disease death risk with fluoridated water to compare these issues.


If you can't change your mind, you can't change anything.


I opposed fluoridation in my region because it is medicating us without consent, we can’t control dosage and we don’t know enough about the effects. I’m a proponent of biomonitoring and the information that is gathered regarding plastics, chemicals, and other environmental toxins that accumulate in the body.


Fluoride being used in WW2 concentration camps' water supply convinced me first. What convinced me the second time, was the fact how fluoride water levels were introduced as a "norm" based on the impossibility to stop aluminium factories from contaminating groundwaters with fluoride. Plus, the accepted "dosing" of fluoride from tap water was iffy from the get go - with no differentiation on how much every man, woman and child drank...


Too many people are late on this. Including many health advocates. Unfortunately this is why people will continue to throw their own conclusions out there because when stuff like this comes out, they’ll think they’re right. Science needs to be a lot faster when it comes to our health.


Good turn Dr. Greger, keep fighting the good fight!


I think it's great that Dr Greger put this information out there -- I wasn't expecting him to essentially acknowledge that water flouridation is an issue. That being said, it was kind of frustrating that he didn't actually state his opinion and how it changed to conclude the video. I'm not sure if he thought that would make him look unprofessional or something, but we clearly have more than enough data to show that fluoride shouldn't be in the water supply. If people want flouride to prevent cavities, then get flouride toothpaste and brush you teeth well with it. Don't make everyone drink it and effect the neurological development of children (and possibly/ultimately adults) just to prevent dental issues in people that don't brush their teeth with flouride toothpaste.


Yes, fluoride, as well as chlorine & bromide are listed as inhibiting thyroxine uptake, a reason perhaps of our ubiquitous thyroid problems in our country!


I demand a public apology from everyone who called us crazy, conspiracy theorists, aluminum hat wearers etc


Fluoride disrupts nitric oxide in the body.
We need another video on this angle.
1997 Noble Prize researchers showed nitric oxide is an important neurotransmitter, and essential for cardiovascular health. Disrupt it and you disrupt cardiovascular health.


I've been avoiding fluoridated products for about 15 years now.


One city in Finland tried it in 70s. Since then and before that fluoride has not been used in drinking water here. Good idea it seems


Fluoridation is forced medication regardless of impact.


I feel vindicated. I’m a fan of Dr. Greger. I met him years ago and asked him about this. He defended fluoridation. I argued against it. My reasoning was simple: While fluoride might be helpful for teeth, it is not good to ingest. So, why put it into the water? Dr. Greger conceded back then that water fluoridation doesn’t do any good to those already regularly brushing, and it wasn’t adequate for those not brushing regularly. A better solution to those not brushing would be to give them free toothpaste. He didn’t have any good response to my reasoning. But he kept to his position. Glad he came around.


If you aren’t 100% sure it’s good to add it, don’t. People who want fluoride know where to get it.


No studies done on the build up of fluoride in the environment!!


"rereviewed their redrafted draft" is all that I needed today 😂


75 years before we get actual science. eek.


If you're reading this, you might want to call your conspiracy theory friend, and apologize to them.


Need to get it out of city water supply asap.
