Lund University - Study in Sweden

Показать описание
Lund University, located in Sweden, offers 9 faculties in 3 locations and has more than 30 world-leading research fields. The faculties are as follows:
- Faculty of engineering
- Faculty of science
- Faculty of law
- Faculty of social sciences
- Faculty of medicine
- Joint faculties of Humanities and Theology
- School of economics and management
- Faculty of fine & performing arts
- Campus Helsingborg

They offer 100 master’s programmes taught entirely in English and 9 bachelor’s programmes in English.

In this webinar you will find the following information for your preparation to study in Sweden (Lund University):
- The faculties
- The locations
- Strong research areas
- Lund as a city for international students
- The innovations from Lund
- How to apply and key deadlines
- English requirements
- General entry requirements
- Programme-specific requirements
- Scholarships available


Lund University, di Swedia, menawarkan studi program S1 dan S2 melalui 9 fakultas di 3 kota berbeda dan mempunyai lebih dari 30 bidang riset yang diakui dunia. Fakultas nya adalah sebagai berikut:
- Faculty of engineering
- Faculty of science
- Faculty of law
- Faculty of social sciences
- Faculty of medicine
- Joint faculties of Humanities and Theology
- School of economics and management
- Faculty of fine & performing arts
- Campus Helsingborg

Mereka menawarkan lebih dari 100 program studi S2 dan 9 program studi S1 dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Di webinar ini kalian akan mendapatkan informasi penting untuk persiapan kalian kuliah di Swedia (Lund University) seperti di bawah ini:
- Fakultas yang tersedia di Lund University
- Lokasi kampus Lund University
- Bidang riset yang terdepan
- Gambaran umum tentang kota Lund
- Inovasi yang berasal dari Lund
- Cara daftar kuliah di Swedia dan deadline nya
- Syarat Bahasa Inggris untuk kuliah di Swedia
- Syarat akademik untuk kuliah di Swedia
- Syarat khusus dari jurusan untuk kuliah di Swedia
- Beasiswa kuliah di Swedia gratis

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