УПРАЖНЕНИЯ - ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА С НУЛЯ. УРОК 15. Английский язык для начинающих. Уроки

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Рекомендации по теме

Спасибо Вам огромное за Ваш безграничный труд!


Спасибо Вам!!! Все  xорошо усваивается. Плюс новые слова. Великолепно!!!


Your lessons are very useful for us. Thank you very much for your great job!


Хороший формат, фраза на русском и потом полный перевод. Лучше, чем по одному слову. Спасибо.


вот просто огромная благодарность за ваше существование


Парочку уроков назад взрывался мозг и не могла составить такие простые вопросы, а сейчас это выходит вообще без проблем) Спасибо Вам!


I want to improve my English with your channel. I like your method. You inspire me. I get your positive energy. Thank you for your job!


I'm glad that I have found this channel! I thoroughly enjoy studying English here!

Thanks teacher! 🎉


I so glad to find this legendary teacher!!! Thank you so much for your big work for


Thank you our dear teacher🙏
I really want to thank you.


Всё получается пока не слышу новый глагол и торможу) К одним и тем же глаголам идет привыкание, пойду тренироваться на несколько упражнений назад


Go on, please, I'm all ears.Thanks a lot, TEACHER!


thank you very much, we waited for this video a lot


Урааа, всего одна ошибка) Thank you teacher!!!:)


Хочу вас поблагодарить за ети уроки. Они реально очень помогли мне. У меня 100% правильных ответов, и ето в письменном виде. Вы говорите на русском, я ставлю на паузу и пытаюсь как можно быстрее написать на английском. И в етом уроке не было ни одной ошибки.И ето за неделю занятий с вами.Но по пару часов в день.Вы очень крутой учитель. Буду продолжать. Thanks a lot


Спасибо вам огромное из 78 предложений правильно перевела сама 71 урааа я довольно результатом это все результат вашего труда учитель только 7 слов из 7 и предложений забыла буду повторят l try to learn English very hard and every day. You a wonderful teacher l want to thank you 🙏. I'm happy


сейчас уже больше новых слов...самое главное что все очень плавно....сразу много слов не запомнить! а это самое важное!


Все нравится. Спасибо . 2-й Вопрос.- Почему a lot, а не strong ? Помогает же сильно)


1. Does he want to help them?
2. Does it help you a lot?
3. Does she often visit him?
4. Does she remember it?
5. Does it help him?
6. Does he dance professionally?
7. Does it seem strange?
8. Does she draw well?
9. Does she speak English?
10. Does she feel good?
11. Does he need all the information?
12. Does he like these lessons?
13. Does she know it too?
14. Does he want to study in another place?
15. Does it happen from time to time?
16. Does she call him?
17. Does he often call her?
18. Does he want to read this book?
19. Does it really help you?
20. Does he often travel?
21. Does it seem interesting?
22. Does she like this idea?
23. Does she live there?
24. Does it seem boring?
25. Does she want to call them?
26. Does she often fly to the United States?
27. Does she need your advice?
28. Does he need your help?
29. Does she teach English?
30. Does he need money now?
31. Does he need it urgently?
32. Does she often call him?
33. Does he prefer to learn English here?
34. Does he do business?
35. Does he listen to this music?
36. Does she use the internet every day?
37. Does he like those lessons?
38. Does he play the guitar?
39. Does she need to rent a flat?
40. Does he need to study English more regularly?
41. Does she like this subject?
42. Does she feel bad?
43. Does she try to do it?
44. Does she need your support?
45. Does he often stay at home?
46. Does she read magazines?
47. Does he need to work more?
48. Does she need to study more?
49. Does he read newspapers?
50. Does she understand us?
51. Does it look beautiful?
52. Does she want to become a teacher?
53. Does he really like it?
54. Does she usually sleep well?
55. Does she often sing this song?
56. Do you want to have your own business?
57. Do you understand me? Yes, I understand you
58. Does he live there?
59. Does it really help you and your friends?
60. Does it work?
61. Does he smoke?
62. Does he play the piano?
63. Does he live there?
64. Does it really work?
65. Does he agree with you?
66. Does it look wonderful?
67. Does it interest you?
68. Does she often forget it?
69. Does she need this information?
70. Does she talk to him?
71. Does he want to have a car?
72. Does he want to get more money?
73. Does she also want it?
74. Does she believe it God?
75. Does he often see them?
76. Does he want to do it one more time?
77. Does he go to bed early?
78. Does she support this idea?
