Η μαϊμού με τα γυαλιά: Μια απίθανη αλληγορία!. The monkey & the glasses. A fantastic allegory!

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Over time, the monkey realized that her eyesight was worsening. One day, she heard that glasses were the cure. If it was true, then her situation wasn't that bad! She got glasses, half a dozen, and tried them on in every way. She put them on her chest, and tied them to her tail. And she smelled them, and licked them, pair after pair. And all this, to no avail. "Damn it," cried the monkey. Anyone who believes this is nothing but a fool. It's just mockery, not a word of truth. They lied to me, the glasses are useless!" Frustrated and upset, the old monkey threw the glasses at the wall so hard that they turned into piles of tiny pieces. So do some people. They reject useful things, just because they cannot use them themselves. Ivan Krilov/Ιβάν Κριλόβ.