Blended Learning- An Introduction to Blended Learning

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Blended Learning: An Introduction
Blended Learning is about combining the best aspects of using technology as a tool, with the expertise of the individual teacher, within a classroom environment, to increase learning.

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I selected this video because it seems like a very good introduction to blended learning practices. The name was pretty self-explanatory. Since this class is about using technology, I assumed it was blending instruction and technology. Blending the best of both worlds gives an easier way to differentiate learning in larger groups (ISTE- A 2a). As Kevin Corbett says, “Blended Learning is about combining the best aspects of using technology as a tool, with the expertise of the individual teacher, within a classroom environment, to increase learning” (ISTE-A 2c).


Thank you for noticing and I agree with you that others should notice how important a good teacher is to properly implement blended learning!


I would really like to learn more on Blended Learning and the flipped classroom. I enjoy your videos because they are easy to understand and to the point. Thank you!


Thank you. The picture in the video of the robot is from a program in South Korea where robots are used. The evolution of that project is interesting because they found they got better results from students when using a human face. There's still a teacher in those classrooms but, I think there are forces that would perhaps like to automate everything....


Outstanding video on blended learning! High production value, very informative and easy to watch!


I wish more teachers used more of this blended learning


Good question Jess, since blending means combining both technology AND teacher. I think the quick answer is that a bad teacher can be supported with technology so students can effectively receive the content. My experience is that the technology can help make the teacher better. :)


Thank you Phillip. Blended Learning really should be simple. Too much jargon in edtech makes people think there's only one way or a special way...not so. Blend computer technology and classroom instruction in a way that works for you and your students!


In this video is a lot of useful information.


Thank you. I think the HUMAN-NESS of the teacher is CRITICAL


I appreciate your comment about not replacing teachers with technology. Is that a real robot in the picture?


It seems more and more schools are exploring a blended learning model with the shift to 1-to-1 computers for students. If we want public school teachers to use a blended model (as we should), we need to consider a few things...

1- Blended learning requires extensive training for both teachers and administrators. This training needs to be individualized, thorough, and ongoing. It's going to cost money and take a lot of time. And we as a society have to be ok with that transition time. It's not going to happen overnight. Nothing lasting ever does.

2- Teachers are overworked. We need to find a way to take some of the current workload off of teachers (and administrators) in order to give them the time to develop their practice under such a model. This might mean hiring more people, or requiring less in terms of the district or state. Again, time and money. Simply pulling teachers from their classrooms for training means them having to write sub-plans. It ends up being even more work for them.

3- Teacher unions also need to give a little in order to make this work. This may mean adding a few days during the summer in their CBA's. It's going to take sacrifice from everyone. But it means having a better system in the long run. I believe that you either have to evolve, or risk going extinct.
