Fender Hot Rod Deluxe | Fixing the Most Common Problems in this Series

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I’m always blown away by the quality of what you do and your ability to seemingly fix any problem, but can we just take a minute and admire how difficult it must be to operate a sharp razor blade and a soldering iron with a camera between your face and what you’re doing? That shit seems impossible to me, this whole thing seems impossible to me, but especially that talent.


If the person who Disliked this video reads this, do you mind explaining that? Because I seriously don't get it.


A shorted CR28 (D28) 10V Zener diode was the culprit with "non-channel switching" in a Hot Rod Deluxe I recently serviced. FYI


Thank you for these videos. I'll never buy one of these amps. I wonder if Fender is doing this on purpose? Planned obsolescence?


I guess Fender thinks; why update the design if they sell anyway?


I undertook a reconnaissance inspection of my *working hotrod based largely on the strength of this video. It’s not there yet but it’s well on its way to manifesting an identical failure to this one! At present the pair of SBCH 4W resistors seem ok but the 1N5353B D13 diode (CR13 on schematic) next to them looks to be shot and I wonder if this is actually the weak spot in the chain which cascades to those ceramic resistors failing when the issue isn’t caught in time? Or are the 4W resistors in mine actually the root cause of an upstream failure which then cooks everything in the vicinity? Glad I caught it but I'm gonna be trailing the Psionic archives in an effort to make informed choices about component replacement!🤓



I don’t dislike the video.
I do dislike using the term “leakage” for actual physical leakage.
Leakage on a cap is a measurement taken at rated voltage.
Similar to reading an ESR value.
Electronic leakage happens long before actual physical leakage.
At that point the cap is in its death spiral, and no longer being a capacitor, its resistance has a voltage drop, that voltage drop creates heat, that in turn further damaging the cap.
This can cause a lot of damage to the pcb, and other components.
Physical leakage, and electronic leakage are vastly different, and I think need different terms.
And keep in mind, catching a bad cap much earlier, by electronic leakage testing prevents physical leakage, venting, and other damage.
The same tool to test leakage, can be used to form, or reform old caps.
Anyway. Just my thoughts.


I don't get Fender. Everything is attached to the board on a $1000 amp and my $250 amp has tube sockets and pots and jacks OFF the board. That's unbelievable.


Yea this is DEFINITELY different from my 2024 Hot Rod Deluxe IV. Mine has resistors raised off the board with tubing protecting the longer legs and they're siliconed together.

That's not what I see here. Seems like Fender may be attempting to remedy the low voltage supply scorching the board. Though I'm not sure if they raised them high enough.


Thank you so much for your videos and taking the time to educate folks. I have a 2002 HRD that was working fine( none of the common issues were showing in my particular amp, however I choose to be proactive) . I followed your videos/advice and serviced my amp myself. Replaced all the crap IC’s with F&Ts. I also did the same on my 2019 65 DRRI per your instructions. No problems with the replacement. Thanks again!


Excellent repair, great tips and info..Top job Lyle..! keep em' coming..Ed..uk..😀


Do you do Fender warranty repairs, Lyle? Just bought one new. Thanks!


i am currently experiencing the loud crackling sound on my clean channel.I only had my amp for 5 months, and now i am experiencing this real annoying noise on my clean channel


Well, we now understand the "hot" in Hotrod.


Fender must have been the dislike on this great video 👊😎


My favourite tool for these kinds of repairs is a retractable fibreglass pen that strips off the solder mask without any damage to the trace. Leaves the surface prepped for good solder connection.


Lyle, any suggestions for an alternative to the HRD or Blues Jr.? i love the tones and functionality, but do not want to deal with cheap components and poor PCB design....


That low voltage supply fault always amazes me. They've been building them like that since the early 1990s. The fix is a C-shape crimp in the lead to make a standoff. That's what? A $5 dollar tool and two hand squeezes for about 5 components? I know, I know: accountants blah blah blah. But seriously...


Thank you so much for sharing your experience, I have a Hot rod de luxe that is delivering less than half the power rated. Do you consider is a problem due to the aging of the tubes or can be any other issue? DC Voltage at power supply remains constant while playing the guitar. I really appreciate your help


@fender, fender for fucks sake. What is this?
