Fantastic, now how about a video of a real person struggling with that spray can col
Fantastic, now how about a video of a real person struggling with that spray can
This hasn't caught on in the US yet, don't see where I can buy it. YesSirPi
This hasn't caught on in the US yet, don't see where I can buy it.
Just wondering if I'm using this foam with 12mm plasterboard. Do I need to chase in back boxes for sockets there 25mm in depth gilwilliams
Just wondering if I'm using this foam with 12mm plasterboard. Do I need to chase in back boxes for sockets there 25mm in depth
hi there will this stick plasterboard to hard board ? nickevans
hi there will this stick plasterboard to hard board ?
Well I might as well of used Angel Delight....absolute Rubbish in a can semibythesea
Well I might as well of used Angel Delight....absolute Rubbish in a can