Spock's Missing Sibling

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This video covers the lore of Sybok and how he came to be, his mission and appearances in the lore as well as some apocryphal content.

Star Trek Online developed by Cryptic Studios and Perfect World.
Star Trek, Star Trek Enterprise/Voyager/Deep Space Nine/Discovery/Lower Decks/Picard/Prodigy/Strange New Worlds and The Next Generation are all owned and distributed by CBS.
Star Trek Films are owned and distributed by Paramount Pictures
Image stills are from Trekcore
This Video is for critical purposes with commentary.

"Who are you?"
"I'm a long lost sibling of Spock that he never mentioned or talked"
"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down!"


It's my headcanon now that Sarek adopted pretty much any child he could find to get a tax break.


Sarek must have been a constant headline in whatever passes for Vulcan tabloids!


Man, when they said Sybok, my mind was blown, that was a twist I wasn't expecting, it was very well played.


Human: Tries to join the Vulcan Science Academy and be as Vulcan as possible.

Half-Vulcan: Embraces the Vulcan way of life but in his own way and decides to reject admission to the Science Academy in favor of Starfleet.

Vulcan: Decides to completely disregard everything about Vulcan culture

Sarrek: *confused screaming*


The reintroduction of Sybok does two things:
1) confirms his canonical status, after GR threw doubt upon it after declaring The Final Frontier as apocryphal.
2) offers an opportunity to flesh out and beef up the character as a great antagonist for SNW.

Strange New Worlds continues to deeply impress me with every episode. I’ve not been disappointed by a single episode so far.


I've always enjoyed Sybok and Luckinbill's portrayal of the character. SFX aside one of the big issues for me with TFF was how Sybok took over the Enterprise with a shuttlecraft full of people armed with pellet guns. IMO the Enterprise should have been dispatched to Nimbus 3 for false emergency evacuation (or other calamity orchestrated by Sybok) allowing him to mix in, board first and begin brainwashing key ship personnel. Then his followers could board the ship and then stage the mutiny with ease. Or at the very least have the council members left on Nimbus 3 in possession of many secrets for the respective governments hence the need to rescue them.


I think exploring Spock’s human family would be a lot more interesting. Unless Amanda was an only child and her parents are dead, Spock must have other human relatives who are still alive at this point.


Sybok alway felt like a missed opportunity to me and I really wanna how the SNW writers are going to handle him in this series.

To me he always felt like the Morinth to Sarek's Samara with the psionic stuff and they could bring in Frain to sus out that family drama and daddy issues there

I also didn't know about T'rea as you mention but she is the master of Gol as in Stone of Gol? That psionic weapon in TNG's The Gambit.


Throw crap as much as anyone wants on that movie but its no denying that Spock a half human and half Vulcan embracing logic while his brother a PURE Vulcan nonetheless embracing emotions is such a great potential for storytelling.


I bet Sybok looks Older than Spock in Strange New Worlds and then as we see in Star Trek V he looks younger than him, I like this as it reflects the idea that Spock being Half Human would age a bit faster and have a slightly reduced lifespan than a Pure Blood Vulcan who is a few years older than him did.


I hope the writers in Strange New Worlds explore him and his backstory


Sybok: I couldn't help but notice your pain
Me: My pain?
Sybok: it runs deep. Share it with me
*Sybok shows me Alex Kurtzman*


I was under the impression that Vulcans were private individuals who were reluctant to share personal information unless necessary


I am so hyped they're RE-introducing Sybok.


I wonder if Sybok's inevitable escape from the rehab center that T'Pring is administrating will be what drives her desires to end her relationship with Spock...afterall it didn't seem to me that she knew of "Xaverius" true identity when she visited Spock in his quarters to reaffirm her vows.

Like this could cause a problem with their already rocky relationship if T'Pring doesn't know about this truth and discovers later that Spock hide his concerns that her prisoner, "Xaverius", is likely the illegitimate son of Sarek...it will be even worse if she learns that Spock did confided with Nurse Chapel.


There are good reasons Spock never talks about his family to either Kirk or McCoy. Spock never talks about his parents, siblings, and fiance. Heck if we go TNG a younger Picard attended his wedding but don't know who he married.


I kinda forgotten that Spock had a half-brother. Though it does begs the question. Was Michael even made aware of Sybok’s existence? Given her close ties with Sarek as her adopted father, and Sybok vice-versa being aware of Michael? Since he obviously knows about Spock.


Sarek is a fascinating character in that we've seen most of his life on screen, seen 3 of his kids and how he influenced all of them, seen the handiwork of his diplomacy, and we've double checked on 2 alternate universes just to make sure...
Sarek sucks.
He's one of the few characters in Star Trek who gets to fail, to be wrong, to be the problem. I love him for that.


i'm the 200 view here.
Trek all the way!

Also love your vids.
