1 - Introduction to Google Colab | The Ultimate Guide to Google Colab

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- Google has been at the forefront of AI research, leading to the development of powerful tools.
- Over the years, Google created TensorFlow, a robust AI framework, and Colaboratory, a versatile development tool.
- TensorFlow is now open-source, while Colaboratory, rebranded as Google Colab or simply Colab, became free to the public in 2017.
- Colab offers an attractive feature: free access to GPU support, making it a valuable resource for developers.
- By providing Colab for free, Google aims to establish its software as a standard in academia for teaching machine learning and data science.
- This strategy could also be a long-term play to build a customer base for Google Cloud APIs, which operate on a pay-per-use model.
- Regardless of the motives, Colab has significantly simplified the learning and development process for machine learning applications.

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