Celebrating first full moon of lunar year

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한해의 풍년과 복을 기원하는 다채로운 정월대보름 행사 열려

It's the day of the first full moon of the lunar calendar, also known as Jeongwol Daeboreum... in Korean.
People across the country are gathering with families and friends to celebrate the event.
Our Won Jung-hwan is now at a traditional village in Seoul to take us closer to the festivities.
Hi Daniel, in Korean, "Jeongwol" literally means "first lunar month" and "Daeboreum" means "great full moon".
And indeed today, on the date of the first full moon of the year,… people have gathered here to celebrate the occasion while taking part in traditional activities.
Traditional festivals are held across the country,… and here at Seoul's Namsangol Hanok Village,… many people of all ages are joining in for the special day.
There's a range of traditional activities,… such as cracking walnuts, sharing festival delicacies and enjoying evening performances.
On the day of Jeongwol Daeboreum, Koreans crack the shells of nuts such as walnuts and peanuts with their teeth or tools. This ritual, known as "Bureom" in Korean, is believed to help prevent boils on the skin and keep one's teeth healthy.
Besides nuts,… Koreans also eat seasoned vegetables and 'five-grain rice' as it is believed that sharing these dishes with others brings good luck for the year ahead.
But the highlight of the festivities comes in the evening when it's dark outside.
A 'Daljip' or 'Moon House' is made from a huge heap of straw with a door to the east for the moon to enter when it rises. Koreans attach written notes containing wishes all around the nearly five-meter high straw house.
When the full moon rises, the daljip is set on fire to ward off misfortune and bring good luck.
In fact, it is still believed that the way in which the daljip burns,... foretells how the year's crop will turn out,... if the daljip burns steadily and doesn't fall apart, then there will be a good harvest.
And of course, those of you who cannot participate in these activities here today can always just go outside with family members and loved ones to watch the rise of the first full moon of the year and make wishes for the year ahead.
That all for me now but I will back when it's dark enough to see the full moon.

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