Would the EU ever let the UK Back in?

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Recent polls indicate a surge in favor of rejoining, with only 9% perceiving Brexit as successful. However, it's important to understand that rejoining the EU is not a straightforward process. The UK would need to submit a fresh application, navigate a lengthy accession procedure, and meet the criteria outlined in Article 49 of the Treaty of European Union. The process typically takes around nine years, but it can be expedited if the UK maintains alignment with EU regulations and demonstrates stability. Rejoining would also entail full participation in the Euro and Schengen area, without previous concessions. The decision to rejoin involves complex political dynamics and negotiations. Stay tuned for updates on this evolving topic! Don't forget to subscribe and hit the notification bell.
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The UK had the best position in the EU compared to every other EU country 🙄.
Giving the UK power in the EU again would just be pointless. The UK can align its laws closer to the EU and get single market access. But apart from that whats even the point.


Let them enjoy the sovereignty they got... Investment will not pick up . Independence day was 2016.. 😂😂


Don’t think the UK can rejoin. There is no process to rejoin the EU. The UK can only fill in an application to join (just like Ukraine did in 2022) and go back in the queue. It still takes years after an application is submitted. To join the EEC (with Norway, Iceland & Liechtenstein) would be easier, but it’s members can veto UK membership. Have heard that Norway would not be very happy, as the UK would be the dominant partner…….. but time will tell.


Probably not, from my point of view there is no reason for Uk to join the EU, probably in 20/30 years when the current leadership are dead or close to being dead, assuming no country will veto, the UK will never get the same deal they had, if UK come back to EU under the worst deal, that would show brexit as the worst political decision the UK took in last 100 years, that would mean end of any politician career that supports brexit


Speaking personally, I'd never let the UK back into the EU until AFTER it had adopted the euro and Schengen; I'd even table the enabling legislation to facilitate that. Only then, when they'd shown their actual colours, would I let them back in. If not, forget it. Stay out. They were the crappy roommate who figured tossing a few quid out into the hallway meant they shouldn't have to do any chores or associate with the other people living there, and refused to allow for any rule changes that would have made them more responsible to the people they lived with. And they still seem to have that attitude, so quite frankly, who needs them? Money isn't everything, kids.


The UK cannot rejoin for three reasons. The EU is easier to run without the U.K.. Secondly, a failing U.K. is a reminder to other states of the reality of leaving. Finally, states like Luxembourg are doing too well out of the U.K.’s departure. They will do their best to prevent rejoining.


As all EU countries can veto anybody joining up, I don't see it happening soon. Spain will want some words about Gibraltar, Ireland probably about Northern Ireland and Greece definitely about those statues in the British Museum.

Plus the UK wouldn't get any of the opt-outs they previously enjoyed. It will be an all or nothing deal.


The United Kingdom can join in 47 year's and 120 days +/- a few.


It is likely that we will no longer hold this position, but anything is better than this and we can give credit to a few extremely rich and mentally ill individuals who held the highest positions.we were one of the pioneers of the European Union and human rights.


Not going back into the European union.


No is the answer. You'd need unanimous member agreement.
Who would want a basket case like the UK back?


Not in its current form. SCOTLAND will leave the UK and gain independence and that is their fastest route. Northern Ireland will at some point become part of the rest of Ireland. Ireland are not in any rush to see this happen any time soon as long as Westminster is happy to continue to fund it.


The UK will Rejoin.

Although a popular argument goes along the lines of the EU doing very well, with both UK bleeding investment, business and capital to the EU, whilst concurrently being a "horrible example" to keep the rest of the European extreme Far-Right in check, a point will come when a Brexit-ridden failing UK economy on the Western flank of the EU becomes a dangerous liability to the EU rather than being the boon, it is currently perceived to be.

Secondly, the UK within a few months of the coming GE, will have shed itself of the delusions, conspiracy theories and fictions that the Conservative client gutter-press have relentlessly promulgated since 2016 and the electorate will be more exposed to the actual reality of the absolute political and economic catastrophe of what Brexit actually is. Domestic attitudes to the EU will irrevocably shift within the year and momentum will overwhelmingly grow through the next parliament.




who knows
But the UK can punish brexit voters


Get your facts right, there is no serve in support to rejoin the EU. And there will not be another referendum in the next 30 years. You can’t keep rerunning cotes until you get the answer you want. Very childish.


The UK economy is heading to below that of Poland and Romania. When it does, the UK should apply for UK aid.


There is no link back to the colonies, rejoin EU to re- open normal trading routs with European countries.


The UK would have to return Gibraltar first 😂😂😂😂 Any state member has a veto, and Spain would block UK's rejoining.


There is no negotiations for terms of rejoining. There is a bureaucratic process of determining whether the UK would fulfill the criteria or not.
