Japanese Yen vs US Dollar, Will This Exchange Rate Last?

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It’s almost $1 = ¥152 in November 2023 and I’m getting asked a lot of this will last. The answer is …
#usdjpy #japan
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When I was at MCAS Iwakuni back in 1970 (and again in 1975), the exchange rate was a solid 360 to the US dollar. Even as a relatively poor Marine, I lived very well. I think towards the end of 1975 the rate started to change. I am going back in April 2024 and the shock of the exchange rate is going to hurt, even as good as it is right now. Thankfully, I'm not quite as poor now!


When stationed at Misawa Airbase in 76-77 the yen rate was 300-310 yen on the dollar. Coming to Japan in August 2024.


5:24 Money does not lose value in a deflationary environment, actually is the opposite, deflation means money worths more, because the price of the goods and services come down against it, inflation is what makes the value of your money shrink.


With quantitative tightening, they will squeeze out Japanese out of their own country. It's exactly the same thing happening in Honolulu. Locals are getting squeezed out of our homes.


I came in 1996 and then again in 1998 also! I remember that I brought like $2, 000 and got like 300, 000 Yen! I thought, "WOW!"


I don't believe the exchange rate will improve. All of the BOJ efforts can only keep things from getting worse. There is no central bank anywhere in the world that is going to sell their USD to buy YEN and lose money. Also, Japanese exporters are reporting record profits which ultimately makes Japan a wealthier nation. The weak yen and low labor costs are part of the reason for those export profits as manufacturing is shifting away from China. Mostly to Vietnam and India but Japan is part of that new dynamic as well. The exchange rate is here to stay. Wages need to rise dramatically. That's my humble opinion.


I've already got one vacation under my belt with this exchange rate. I hope to get one more in. Huge discounts. Way better than when I went back in 2011, when it was 80 yen to a dollar. Ouch!


The thumb nail for this video is being used suspiciously on FB by a group claiming to have for people who come to their office in Tokyo.


48:45 i just busted out laughing. I love your channel. Thanks for Entertaining me at work!


No worries, It's not as bad as people thought. Weak yen is benefiting Japan's economy.


Hi John. I never thought I'd see the yen hit the 150 mark. It's come close a bunch of times though. I personally purchased yen in preparation for my daughter's move to Japan in 2025. Was wondering if you felt it was a good idea for her to open a bank account in Tokyo as soon as she arrives in Japan. Or is she even able to?


Excellent commentary! Enjoyed watching this... thanks!


Bank CD's in Hawaii are offering 4.8% for a 6 month CD right now. .02 is hardly anything to talk about.


I mean it’s just the huge interest rate difference between the other countries and Japan. Almost all countries (China is the other outlier and thus their currency the Yuan is also dropping) is raising rates to combat inflation. So if you get those currencies you get better returns. The Yen is pretty much having no returns at all and has been like that since the bubble bursted back in the early 90s.


Portions in Japan are perfect for me because it allows me to eat a lot more, frequently.


What's the best way to getting yen for a future trip before the rates changed? We have a trip booked for March 2024. I checked with my bank and they charge a % fee for withdrawing yen that eats away at the favorable rates. Not sure if there are better ways to do it in the US.


many decades ago a weak JPY helped Japan to recover from the devastation of WW2 because it made their exports yen gradually strengthened against the USD from the 1980s tried to make the JPY weak again ten years ago in order to revive Japan's export driven economy but it didn't get weak as much as he hoped for until after he stepped down as PM....now the JPY is as its weakest level since 1990 they hope this bring in some benefits will more foreign tourists and more exports (lowest all time high JPY to USD is Jan 1971 358 JPY = 1 USD)


@onlyinjapango please tell us more about shifts in attitudes like regarding tipping


Hey John, could you explain how you keep smile despite coffee?


thankful i dont have debt to pay in america while im here....oooof, feel bad for those people.
