Climate Change Mitigation Strategies

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Join Dr. Peter Carter, Paul Beckwith and Regina Valdez as they discuss some of their favourite Climate Change Mitigation Strategies.

This video was recorded on January 21st, 2022, and published on February 12th, 2022.

Some of the topics discussed:
- One of the top 10 Project Drawdown mitigation strategies of educating women and girls.
- The importance of climate education and how governments should be involved in this process.
- The need for both the public and governments to mobilize on climate actions
- How demilitarization and international peace is a prerequisite for sustainability and our survival
- More education to create systems thinkers with the wisdom to come with solutions to the climate crisis without creating new problems
- How governments need to incentivize corporations so that it is profitable for them to help the environment and the climate rather than destroy them for the sake of profits alone.
- The idea of strategy versus tactics as they pertain to game theory but also towards climate change mitigation.
- The need to stop governments from subsidizing fossil fuels and also the need for big banks to stop financing fossil fuel projects.
- The need to keep one’s perspective and realize that Climate Change is a large and complex problem requiring a diverse array of strategies and tactics to address it.
- and more. . .

- Project Drawdown

- The Economics of Climate Change-The Stern Review

- Keynote address by the IPCC Chair Hoesung Lee at the ceremonial opening of COP26 Glasgow, 31 October 2021

- Regeneration: Ending the Climate Crisis in One Generation

- The Next Apocalypse: The Art and Science of Survival

- Ocean Pasture Restoration and the New Paradigm

- Marine Cloud Brightening

- The MEER ReflEction Framework

- Banks are fueling the climate crisis.

Dr. Peter Carter - MD, Expert IPCC Reviewer and the director of the Climate Emergency Institute

Paul Beckwith - Climate Systems Scientist. Professor at the University of Ottawa in the Paleoclimatology Laboratory as well as at Carleton University

Regina Valdez - Program Director, Climate Reality Project, NYC. GreenFaith Fellow and LEED Green Associate

Video Production:
Charles Gregoire - Electrical Engineer, Webmaster and IT prime for FacingFuture.Earth & the Climate Emergency Forum; Climate Reality Leader

Heidi Brault - Video production and website assistant, Organizer and convener, Metadata technician, COP26 team lead for FacingFuture.Earth and the Climate Emergency Forum; BA (Psychology); Climate Reality Leader

Our Website:

Background Music:
- Title: Through the City II
- Author: Crowander
- Source: Free Music Archive
- License: CC BY-NC 4.0

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Great job. Keep the truth alive for humanity and the planet and all life. 👍 👍 👍


You might consider a discussion (or series of discussions) on how we can reduce our energy consumption with our homes and buildings. Zero-energy, passive house, light roof vs. dark roof, better insulation, sealing doors and windows, etc.


US government just released strategies for working around climate change within the 🪖 military. But we won't implement any of these as a society because we are completely disconnected from each other. I'm a young person living this life day to day out in public all day everyday & I can tell you we're totally hopeless. As Dr. Carter said, we're on worse than worst case scenario in all aspects I might add.


Problem is that not enough people are aware of the dire situation we are in! To tell people you have to consume less, have fewer children, travel and drive your cars less, isn't going to go over well. We need to educate people with the facts now!


12:28 so ..what IS the difference between strategy and tactics?


Great thank you CEF. There are things we can do! Educating Girls and Women, Yes definitely, and educating boys and men too, let's not forget that please. And let's not preach and browbeat anyone, let's be inclusive of all peoples and genders. We need to listen to our (the) children much much more and use their fabulous ideas and creativity, use their honesty and their vitality. There's also the present extractive feudal economic system and banking, debt and hoarding system to urgently replace and the present so called representative democratic system too, which we can do if we want too. It's education, commitment and having a backbone, and most of all rebellion for the urgency of change it brings, the non violent civil disruptive sort. I recommend we all get involved with movements like XR and spread the word. We all don't have to be arrested, there are plenty of supporting people needed doing different things. Once we mobilise and take action based on best science the world feels a better place and hope is rejuvenated. Love and Rage from XR Tamaki Makaurau Aotearoa New Zealand.


We need to balance technology with biology for our survival.


I think eating a plant based diet is something individuals can do to help with climate change and biodiversity loss.


Maybe doing a modern day victory garden. Aka, encouraging the mass individuals, to convert their yards into food landscapes and habits for other species. Maybe enlisting the help of gardeners to grow plants for others to put into local landscapes. Maybe having high-school greenhouse programs grow plants for their communities. While big policies, government, companies are needed to make large scale changes. A lot of individuals aren't feeling empowered to do something. They sit around and thing, well that's too bad. Give individuals options that they can do. Perhaps make challenges, competitions on projects, etc.


Vertical food growing and MEERreflection. Also, some effective hitmen lol


Switch government subsidies from military, energy, farming, corporate, to restoring 50% of prime land to nature.
Allow a redesigning infrastructure. We are trying to build electric cars based off of oil criteria. Consider light electric vehicles, built for gravel roads to free us from asphalt with top speed of 35mph.
Stop planned obsolescence. Tack on recycling fees upfront. A charging cord for a phone that lasts 3 months cost $30.00. One that last 20 years $5.00.


If mirrors are the answer, let's build mirrors, I'm sick of talking let's working just get better as we go


Biomass to biochar. Decarbonize the air and recarbonize soils. We face a soils extinction at current rates of depletion in 40 to 60 growth cycles. Biochar addresses both.


Read the chapter Leverage in the book Falter by Bill McKibben. It details the beginning of neoliberal strategy's Long Game.


20:52 I would suggest flipping the way you conceptualize that problem. You said "we're fighting our governments our governments are on the wrong side if we can't get our governments to stop fossil fuel subsidies then we have to get the banks... Stop the banks from financing etc." But the governments of the world are the only entities with the Leverage to control the banks and multinational corporations. So the question becomes, how can the people using people power, support reinforce and make sure governments won't be subject to dark money campaigns attack ads and other methods the fossil fuel companies use to get rid of administrations who breathe a whisper of any move to remove subsidies.


I definitely agree with Peter talking about demilitarisation. I’m just skipping past all of the Ukraine stuff on the news because it’s all irrelevant if we’re to have a future.

Education is the other huge thing, because you can’t make any of the other huge changes with a massively dumbed down and ignorant population. Once people get educated on climate, they go on to demand system change, reduce consumption, have fewer kids etc. But it has to be really quick.


12:45 there's no leverage for "nudging" multinational corporations. In the U. S. System, if any administration tries to exert any pressure or control, then a dark money campaign will be run against them.


I used to, but no longer support the advice, "see what you can do" because although I know everything is a crisis, and every part of this requires remedies, I fully believe that the focus of everyone's activity and energy at this time must be to stop fossil fuels continued operation as a business. Raise the question: why should they have a seat at the table? And then strengthen government mechanisms so they can assert Leverages, nationalize their industry, seize their assets, and indict them for crimes against humanity in the international court of the Hague.


Switch off all street lights from midnight maybe.


I would like to see solar PV window blinds' price become affordable. I would like to see current cars converted or recycled into EV cars vrs making brand new ones from mining minerals.
Unless things become affordable for the poorest in the global north, too many of those of us who contribute the most Co2 emissions will be priced out. I would like to see gov schemes/loans with 0% interest payback, just pay back what what used to install greener technology. NOT like smart meters which have been changed to take measurements during peak cost time^
I would also like to see community food forests instead of foodbanks
I would like to see community green renewable co-op energy grids where the community benefits vrs big energy.
Until governments take that 1st step of stopping fossil fuel subsidies, we have no hope imo. They lobby our governments, they pay into the political parties. NO other company holds the country hostage to pay for it's green transition, everyone else is doing it via their profits and savings^
I cant think of a single war during my 40yrs of life that wasnt about resources, mostly fossil fuels, but also opium for afghanistan and Gadhafi wanting to move away from fiat petro-dollar to gold as it's currency reserve.
This ukrane russian one has only interested the west cos russia has turned the oil taps to a slow trickle. If the west wasnt concerned 8 years ago when the crimea peninsula was annexed^
IF the west was truly concerned, and the military industrial complex wasnt pushing for this war, the world would pressurize russian compromised uk gov to freeze all russian assets in the city of london which has been laundering russian money stolen from it's people, NOT sanctioning and harming the innocent russian civilians economically, but targeting those who keep putin in power
