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A social space is physical or virtual space such as a social center, online social media, or other gathering place where people gather and interact. Some social spaces such as town squares or parks are public places; others such as pubs, websites. Autonomous centers ( AZ ) are self-governing and independent cultural and socio-political institutions. They thus differ from state and municipal institutions and their funding. Autonomous centers are mainly in squats to find. Nationally known Autonomous centers are the Köpi and Mehringhof in Berlin as well as the Rote Flora in Hamburg. International Autonomous centers as social centers called.

As the operator of the idea of self-directed and self-managed life without authority are connected, they often refuse cooperation with public institutions such as the building control authority. However, the differences in ownership are large, ranging from autonomous centers in occupied houses to urban co-financed autonomous youth centers. An autonomous center is not hierarchically directed but grassroots democracy organized and collectively.

In autonomous centers find events such as concerts and lectures take place, mostly from the political left comes spectrum directed. Occasionally, they also serve as a meeting place of left groups and provide young people and adults alternatives in the leisure, about sports activities. Often located in the Autonomous centers infoshops the leftist and anti-fascist political scene. In the 1980s and 1990s served Autonomous centers of the radical leftist movement, especially as communication centers. After the turn of the millennium its usefulness changed to the effect of the spread of the Internet, that money with them is taken for political events and the myth surrounding it is an important factor to motivate the autonomous movement.

Plaza space Square refers to a space that has a function, but the role played by culture, age, climate, location, by the topographical conditions are different, form, physical configuration is also different. I have there are Shimare the building, etc. around, landmarks are placed in the axis line, monuments that are afferent to the core, features such as multiple square is continuous. Ancient Greece ancient Agora, church, temple, etc. front plaza there is. The facilities of the museum before, such as square-rotary part of the road in modern open space, open space and shopping mall and within the pedestrian deck there is a square, etc. on.

It's called public space to where anyone has the right to move, as opposed to private spaces, wherein the step can be restricted by criteria generally privately owned, government-owned or otherwise. Therefore, public space is that space of public property, ownership and public use.

On the legal side, we can say that the modern public space comes from the formal separation between private property and urban public property. Such separation usually involves book from planning, construction-free soil (except community facilities and public services ) to social practices characteristic of urban life (recreation, collective acts, transportation, cultural activities and sometimes commercial, etc). From a legal approach, we can define it as an area subject to specific regulation by the public administration, or whoever has the power to control land, ensuring its accessibility to all citizens and sets the conditions for their use and installation activities.

On the use, public space is the setting of social interaction everyday, meets material and tangible functions: it is the physical support of activities designed to meet the collective urban needs that transcend the limits of individual interests. It is physically characterized by its accessibility, a feature that makes it an element of convergence between the legal dimension and use. However, the dynamics of the city and the behavior of its people can legally create public spaces that are not, or were not designated as such, open or closed, for example waste or abandoned spaces that spontaneously can be used as public. There are also spaces of private property for public use but as malls are private spaces-like public space.

Public space therefore assumed public domain, collective use and variety of social activities, features among which there are plenty of possibilities to reach the end of the virtual space on the Internet, which is currently configured as a non-physical public space but high importance.

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