Livadi Beach

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Kefalonya Adası'nda Lixouri'nin kuzeyinde, Livadi'den sonra, hapishaneye benzeyen yıkık bir binayla karşılaştığınız küçük, dar bir kumsaldan geçiyorsunuz. Aslında, 1967'den 1974'e kadar askeri rejim sırasında mahkumlar burada tutuklandı ve işkence gördü.
On the island of Kefalonia, north of Lixouri, after Livadi, you pass a small, narrow beach where you come across a ruined building resembling a prison. In fact, prisoners were arrested and tortured here during the military regime from 1967 to 1974.
On the island of Kefalonia, north of Lixouri, after Livadi, you pass a small, narrow beach where you come across a ruined building resembling a prison. In fact, prisoners were arrested and tortured here during the military regime from 1967 to 1974.