How To Know If You’re Being Marketed To Right Now, With Professor Gaia Rubera

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Gaia Rubera is a Professor of Social Media Marketing at Bocconi University.

Today we’re focusing on the field of marketing by talking with an expert who understands the emerging quantitative trends of the industry as well as how to use marketing in your everyday life.

This is for any listener who wants to find a role in the marketing field, is curious about how brands influence them to buy things, and even for those who wish to market themselves.

Looking for a new guide to drive innovation and change?

The Talent Show is a new podcast series from FT Talent, a hub of innovation from the Financial Times. Hosted by under 30s for under 30s around the world. Each episode we have important conversations for you and with you. We speak to experts in different fields, and bring you in to ask them your burning questions and delve deep into the topics that really matter to the younger generation today, find inspiring tips, analyse trends and bridge generational gaps. And we didn't just rely on our own curiosity - we invite our audience bright students and early career professionals from all over the world to ask questions directly to our guests.

The FT Talent Challenge is a competition from the Financial Times that invites bright young talent from all over the world to pitch solutions aimed at solving our most pressing business challenges. This podcast gives you a taste of the creative, educational and entrepreneurial atmosphere at FT Talent Challenges. FT Talent is a commercial division of the Financial Times.

This first season of The Talent Show Podcast is in partnership with Bocconi University, a leading university of business, economics and management teaching and research.

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