TODAY in history | January 15

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What happened January 15? Here are a few significant historical events that happened on January 15.

On January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King Jr., who was an important American religious leader and civil-rights activist, was born in Atlanta, Georgia.

In 2009, US Airways flight 1549, flown by Captain Chesley Sullenberger (also known as "Sully"), landed in the Hudson River because it hit a group of Canada geese right after taking off. Resulting in severe damage to the plane's engines; there were no fatalities.

Wikipedia, the free open-source online encyclopedia was started on this day in 2001. It was created by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger.

In 1919, a big tank holding molasses collapsed in Boston, releasing over two million gallons (eight million liters) of molasses through the city's North End. This event, known as the Great Molasses Flood, caused a lot of damage and sadly led to the loss of 21 lives.

Please note that this is not a complete list, and many other (important) events have occurred on this day throughout history.


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