Storm chasers: "Due to weather conditions... we're getting a raise!
Meanwhile behind the camera, some poor radar technician is puking his guts out. 🤣
"This is the pilot speaking, this flight has just been upgraded from transport to R&D stress test."
Just so ya know, those aren't Navy pilots. Those are NOAA Corps pilots. Super cool non-military uniformed service.
For anyone wondering, this is the hurricaine observation and alaysis team for NOAA they literally fly a WC-130(modified C-130) directly into the biggest storms around the world
NOAA pilots are the coolest people you'll meet, i train with a couple of them and they're not only the most intelligent and skilled people ive met but the most professional and polite. great people
Amidala: "Were going to fly around the storm, right?"
Anakin: "..."
Amidala: "Right?"
Anakin: "..."
You know it’s good when the flight engineer is on the throttles cause the pilots are two busy trying to keep it straight and level.
When you need a third copilot just to control the throttle sticks so you and the copilot can focus on not crashing.
God bless those brave ones! Thank you for your service!!!
Atc: big ass storm ahead, do not approach it
Them: bet
Yall pilots ain't no game, I remember as a kid getting the chance to ride on a test/ training flight. My mom was terrified, yall convinced my mom that is wasn't just got to be awesome, but a life changing experience I could use in the future, you weren't wrong. I work with a lighting company that develops safety lights and I'm anyways working with heroes in mind. Godspeed to you, my brothers.
Sending this to my aviation major friend who had to stay in school longer than everyone else in order to complete his flight hours because of some foggy days 😌
F-35: oh no light rain, guess I cant fly today 😥
If we didn't crash, we're still flying and if we're still flying we didn't crash. So better to keep on flying without crashing.
For those who dont know, those arent navy pilots but their job is to fly a C130 into a storm/hurricane to get data to inform people. If you were watching flight radar whem hurricane milton hit you would see this plane flying straigt into florida where the hurricane was. (Thanks for 1.2k likes)
The super Hercules that flys into hurricanes will forever be the most insane thing.
😲🤯 absolutely WILD !!! Gnarly as hell man thank you for your service ! 🤙💪
nah those pilots getting flashbanged every second they spend up in the storm
"But sir.... free bird was playing"
"Understandable, carry on"