Theater Shooting Trial Day 12: Prosecution presenting evidence from trash

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Day 12 of the Aurora movie theater shooting trial – People vs. James Eagan Holmes. Today, prosecutors will resume questioning of a former FBI agent who recovered evidence from the Dumpster outside the gunman's apartment.

During the course of the trial, prosecutors will argue that Holmes, the admitted gunman, was sane when he went into the midnight premiere of the Dark Knight Rises in an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater and opened fire on the audience, killing 12 and wounding 70. His defense attorneys will try to spare Holmes’ life by arguing that he was insane.
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00:56:14 live coverage begins (broadcast begins with prosecution questioning witness and former FBI agent Peter Hunkar who is already on the stand, there are a few weird cuts where a portion of the live feed is missing, with no explanation, throughout today’s live footage)
02:07:25 live coverage continues after morning break
05:20:17 live coverage resumes after lunch
07:27:48 live coverage resumes after afternoon break


Mr. Hankins-
You are so brave. Thank you for your testimony. I can’t even imagine having had been in your position….either time.
You did very well. Thank you. ❤️


HOW do all these jurors know witnesses!? Is this the third juror that knows a witness?


Did that guy have a stutter prior to the shootings? Poor guy. He is so well spoken. I hope the gunshot wound did not cause a problem with his speech.


Omg he left his whole family and picked up random kids on the way out??!! How in the world does he live with himself?


Poor Jamie...he must feel like a real loser to have dropped his 4 month old baby and bailed on his wife and daughter. I would hope that in the same situation I would die there trying to protect my family.


It's obvious Jaime Rohrs panicked. My god, how many if you have been an honorary hero on purpose in a situation like this. I'm sure his intention originally was noble, to find a way out while his family was huffing under the seats to get help and if course of panic amongst the chairs obviously overtook.

I don't care if they had young children at that time of night, so what. Nobody was expecting someone to come in and start shooting up the place. With all the guns he had and the smoke and the dark and the loud goddamn movie... We aren't perfect people. This wasn't a movie
