Moodle 2019-Simple design tips part 2 with the BOOK format. #moodle

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Moodle 2019 design tips Pt 2 with the book format.

Here is the link to Part 1
00:00 Moodle design tricks-Introduction
00:58 The book format
02:11 Designing with book format
05:25 Organising your content
07:25 Using images
11:16 Adding content
13:37 Thank you
This is a format that very few teachers really make use of. It can make the organisation and layout of your content much clearer. It is ideal if you want to make access to your content easy and clearly laid out. In this video, firstly I take you through some actual examples of content that I have created in Moodle and then I show you how to do it. This includes adding buttons so that you can navigate between the home page and the content. This is the second part of the course and builds on the first part. TOGETHER they make a great course for anyone learning the basics in Moodle.

In this course you will learn
1) Add the book format
2) Navigate the pages of a book
3) Add content into the book
4) Create a home page link so you can navigate back
5) Add buttons for navigation like a website

A ideal video for any teacher or content creator using Moodle.
Рекомендации по теме

Great explanation of how to design the Book resource in Moodle! I love your buttons at the bottom of the sections! How do we create those kind of button links?


Thanks a lot for your generosity. You do a great job Rassel


Thank you so much. Seeing this made my day!


Absolutely useful video thank you for sharing. Subscribed!


Congratulations for your great work. Very understandable and illustrative.


Thanks for all the great content! It has been extremely useful during the Cornoclasses season!


Great refresher! I had forgotten about a home button!


Excellent video. will definitely incorporate the book into my courses


Your videos have been the clearest, most comprehensive, and helpful for using Moodle that I have seen. Thank you! Can you tell me if Moodle has an archive feature? And I haven't heard you talk about the 'keep hidden' feature, though I haven't watched them all yet. Thank you again!


Excellent video, very useful, thanks! I'll try it with my courses. Question: How did you get you activities so nicely side by side? I can only get them one below the other.


Russell, Help. I am a non technical content creator that needs to repurpose the content of a workshop with 40 modules, each representing a meeting. For each module/meeting I have used your suggestions to go with a flipped classroom (thank you so much) starting with a 20-30 min video lecture, the next section is the handouts (reading material and worksheets to be completed), and the final section is the instructions and ink to a Zoom call. Once we are live on Zoom, we will do a short discussion, answer questions about the lecture and readings, then go right to a series of exercises using the lecture and reading materials and multiple breackout rooms. The problem is the whole workshop has 40 modules broken in to three Parts. Part1 16 modules, Part2 16 modules, Part3 8 modules. We want to communicate that the workshop is made up of all 3Parts and all our volenteer staff know what is being presented by the long existing meeting numbers 1-40. As a result, we numbered the modules/meetings 1-40 in Moodle added all the content.... You can imagine how dated the material looks when offered in the standard Moodle theme. I explored using tiles within the Parts but the theme doesnt spport >12 moduled. We are kind of stuck with Moodle 3.9 because it was all the man who volenteers to manage our server kind of understands. One last desire but not reqirement, is that it would be wonerful if after we have released all the modules (1/week) the partisipants could physically print all the handouts and have them organized in a module by module = chapter structure. Could you be kind as to point me towards a theme or structure that cold help, the worksop starts in a week and I am going crazy. Bless you.


Your videos are incredibly helpful and useful. Thank you! What did the 'Notes' button lead to?


Hello Russel! Great video once again. Thank you for sharing very useful content.
How are you able to make the resources [the book, assignment, etc.] appear on the same line?


Great only issue with making a link back to the start page is in the event you need to copy the course (e.g. to share with other teachers) those links will not become invalid and need to be redone individually as the id number will change. I wish there was a way around that.


Great tuto thanks,
10:55 ---> what is the other technology you use to make the activities button with a check box ?


Thanks for your video, very helpful.
I've got a question, how do you create the buttoms that appear on the bottom of the page? They didn't appear when I did all the steps. Is there a way to do it? In any of your videos?


Thanks Russell.. What moodle theme did you use in this video?


I'm still waiting on our Moodle to be cleaned up, so I've made my content in Word. I think you can import a Word doc into the Book format - if so, should I do anything about formatting before I import, or after? (I'm thinking of the headings you put on to create consistency).


I also cannot figure out how to create those buttons. Your buttons are horizontally aligned; mine are in a vertical list. Is there a way to change the Moodle buttons to make them look like yours? Thanks for all your sharing.


Great videos! I am using the book feature for a content heavy course and think that is the solution. Question....I saw you make a button that links to the content in the book, activities, etc. I'd like to make the link to the book a better looking button. For example, the link to the book in module 2 is created but I'd like to make that link a button. The only thing I've been able to do is create a button in SnagIt and link it to the book - so they end up with two ways of entering the content because I can't hide the original link. Does that make sense? Can you help?
