Reaction To History of Sir John A Macdonald

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Reaction To History of Sir John A Macdonald

This is my reaction to History of Sir John A Macdonald

In this video I react to Canadian history by reacting to the first Canadian Prime Minister Sir John A Macdonald who originally came from Glasgow, Scotland.

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If you go to Kingston, where he had his law practice (and where he was buried), they’re all about him. He had a vision for what was then a handful of disparate colonies could be, a vision he shared with men like George-Etienne Cartier and George Brown, and ultimately achieved against all odds.

But he was also an alcoholic, corrupt and his racism was extreme even for the time. His justification for the Chinese Head Tax was straight-up white nationalism to the extent that it appalled his House colleagues, to say nothing about the push to have Louis Riel executed or the residential school system.

As much as we live with what Macdonald forged for good or ill, a part of me appreciates that he wasn’t that great a person. Mythologizing the Founders is a huge problem in the States and I’m grateful Canadians can be a tad more objective.


You should look up Tommy Douglas, voted Canada's Greatest Canadian by Canadians. He gave us our Medicare system. He is still largely beloved.


My great grandfather was a friend of his. He was invited over from scotland and stayed with him. Later became governor general. He was an author amoung other things. Started the canadian literacy award. Iteresting man. His journals depicted Macdonald as a passionate, stubbron man.


MacDonald has recently become a controversial figure in Canada. Despite him (over)financing smallpox vaccination to Native communities in Canada (people in parliament tried to stop him from spending more money than was budgeted), people condemn him for helping start residential schools. This is odd considering the problems of abuse within those schools were not recorded to occur until well after MacDonald died. These were supposed to be boarding schools as was common in Britain (where MacDonald was born and was common for the Commonwealth).


Macdonald is possibly the greatest Canadian Prime Minister of all time to this day


He lived …. At the time.

Today…Grab your torch and pitchforks.

For those that do not remember the past are bound to repeat it.


The porters lounge in Kingston General Hospital is where the the first Canadian parliament was held.
MacDonald's house was was about 3/4Km west of it.


Mert we just love you canadian here you have to visit our great country I would make you an honorary canadian you have to come our country have so much in common WELCOME


Might I recommend BobbyBroccoli's 2 part series on Nortel "The Company that Broke Canada"

It's a rather fascinating piece on the history of telephone and internet networks in North America, and the fraught relationship Canada has with the US as we rely on them for trade while desperately trying to avoid becoming subservient.
And of course at the center of the story, Nortel, the company that was on track to turn Ottawa into the tech capital of the world, until it all came crashing down.


MacKenzie King was in office the longest, during the Great Depression & WWII.


His grave is 40km from me and there was a bit of vandalism a few years ago but it has settled down.


My aunt is a relative of him from her dad side.


He's not as well liked now, like he was when I was child. His involvement in the native residential school issue has come out over the last 5 years and it's tarnished him. For good or bad, many buildings, roads, etc. that were named after him have had his named removed. His statue at Queen's Park in Toronto was vandalized and has remained closed off to the public since then.


Gin & Scoth expanded his consciousness.


All my native homies hate John A McDonald that's how we remember him 😅


Hi Mert. Love your content. I was curious as to why you are living in beautiful Malaysia? I would imagine it's quite rare to have a Scot living there no? 🤔 😊


Slur John A. Macdonald was so important, that he was replaced by, Viola Desmond on the ten dollar banknote.


My relative in Toronto was the colleague of one of the descendent s of Sir John A McDonald, As described by my relative: a person with integrity, nice and hard working


Dig deeper his reputation is tarnished he took part in starting residential schools here in Canada!


The greatest colonizer, I learned of John a in elementary school but didn’t know his leading and legally introducing egenosidal practices at that time. Today every Canadian feels the repercussions of barriers laid by John A. ..🇨🇦
