[BDO Sea] Pit of Undying Main Quest Fight

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This video starts from the 3rd Fight. The first 2 fights pretty straightforward and no special mechanics. Just don't die and kill them below 10 minutes.

** Edited - added 3rd fight details

✦ For the 3rd Fight - Fareed:
You need to CC him to make him Changed his weapon. Otherwise he will just keep healing Again and again. You can CC him after he do that charging lightning attacks while kneeling (when he start to stand). Try using Knockdown / Bound / Float type of CC.

0:20 I CC him very early (With Tactical Strike which is KnockDown type) thats why I didn't realize that he can full heal initially until later day when I met him again later on at Dailies. Thanks to my friend for reminding me to edit the description.

✦ For the 4th Fight - Bennet :
- You will need to kill the real body when bennet spawns its clone. When Bennet Splits for the first time (Full HP Clone) Try to do biggest damage to the clone *EDIT (courtesy to kak halim)* which you can bump into to mark it (You can walk past the clone but not the real one). Try to remember its hp % to make it easier so you don't have to try to find it everytime, Later on after they shuffled just aim and kill for the one with hp% your marked before.

✦ For the 5th Fight - Evergart :
- This Evergart guy will buffs himself every so often that makes him literally unkillable within 10 minutes. To remove his buff, you will need to Stagger him then CC him. I found out that Float type of cc (from behind if possible, but it works from front also) is the best way to stagger him when he's using his slow casting attack, so try to use your Float type CC skils at that moment then follow up with Knockdown / Bound CC skills

10:45 First Down, Used Stiff (zepyr leap) + KB (Luthragon) + KD (winged strike)

11:55 Second Down, Used KD (tactical)+KD (Full bloom) + Float (uproot) + KB (Luthragon), then when he staggers I used Radiant explosion on him (Bound)

12:45 Failed attempt to down him when he's staggering because Winged strike on cooldown and i didn't use any other cc on him.

12:55 Third down, Used KD (Tactical)+ stiff (meteor dive) + Float (Verdure Clout) then Radiant explosion (bound) when he staggers.
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Bennet is THE most annoying of all of them gosh


how tf do u kill bennet every time i almost kill her she summons 3 clones and regains ENTIRE hp back!


not work for me. I check other's video. Just try to walk or run to any Bennet when she do clone trick. If you walk or run passes her that is a fake body, but if you bump to her that mean you have find the real body.


i feel like its impossible for shai to beat evergart because i cant knockdown or float him


Is Pit of the Undying permanent? Or is it just for a short period of time only?


How much ap and dp do I need to be able to do this?
