10 Very Rare & Unique Items In WoW (Including Unobtainables)

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Showing you 10 more rare/unique items in the game. Enjoy!

If you have any suggestions, requests, or just general feedback let me know in the comments or with a message. I try my best to answer as many as I can.

#Legion #Warcraft #WoW
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I have the vanilla collectors edition. So when the game first released my friend went to Future Shop and picked up 2 copies of the game. He got the night elf box for himself and he got me the orc box. So I installed it off my 4 discs and and typed in my cd key. When we started playing I asked around as to what the present in my inventory was. Turns out, even though I ended up with a regular edition box I still ended up with a collectors edition key by some freak chance =D


A little strange one here but there is a quest which a few players on the EU have because of a GM who linked it as a troll and due to it being shareable, a few people have it. It's called 'Trouble in Podunk' and was originally planned on being released in Twilight Highlands but never entered the game, it wasn't even featured in Beta, PTR or Live so it's very strange as to why it's in game. It comes under the category of 'Missing header! (quest designers).

There is also another very strange quest along the same lines called Test Quest - Craig which isn't actually in-game but a few players for some reason on EU have it. It comes under the category 'Designer Island'.


I have the Zergling ! I think it might be one of the lowest polygon model still in the game these days.


I mean, they've said it's okay to buy the physical card that has a code on it for the TCG. Just not for the code itself. You have to buy the physical card with it.

So logically speaking, I would assume it'd be within the ToS to buy the Blizzard Bear Blizzcon card, since you're buying somethiing physical.


I just came back from a 6 month WoW break (which was fantastic by the way).

You actually still can farm for Chan's Imperial Robes. I have 3 in my inventory. What you have to do is go to Blasted Lands and kill the rares out there. I think they drop a chest or something that you open up. The robes are in the loot table for what the rares there drop.

Edit: The rare mobs actually drop an item called Flawless Draenethyst Sphere which you turn in to get Emerald Encrusted Chest which is the chest that actually can have the robes inside.


Proud to say I own a Swift Razzashi Raptor and I got it on the last night before Cata was released. :-)


Love these videos! :) I was in Kara recently and the Ruby Slippers dropped. I noticed the use is a hearthstone. While casting the text on the bar reads, "There is no place like home". And it got me thinking... How many other unusual hearthstones are in the game? Might be a neat video :D


I own the Plague Protodrake from the achievement and the Dartol's rod of transformation from this list. (Among many other rare and unobtainable items ☺ ).

Just as an extra note: Dartol's rod didn't have CD at all. The CD was added mid-cata if i recall correctly.


I got my Zulian Tiger 1 week before ZG was removed and is still one of the most exciting moments I've had in WoW


Screw wow collecting. Imma need that sweater


A favorite of mine is the Tabard of the Protector, a reward for a quest could do in the days right before the opening of the Dark Portal. It looks exactly like the Argent Dawn's one, but it has a nice use effect (like a priest's holy nova)


Can you copy your toon to the PTR and then record uses for your Light of Elune? please! =D


LINKEN'S BOOMERANG!! At one time it was the only way that a ret pally, what was that in vanilla, could range pull. That quest line was quite the ride.


hello, MadSeasonShow. I never played WoW, but I love to watch quality videos. Great work, keep it up!


A Fun fact with the Zergling Pet, it has interaction with the Murky marine pet that was given for blizzcon a while back. when they are next to each other Murky will gun down the Zergling. its a rare sight now days I guess since both those pets are very rare.


As a suggestion for your next video, I recommend The Arcanite Ripper. It was a drop off a special boss that spawned for two weeks back in Ye Olde Days. It was in a raid, so guilds only had two of them to give out. Being an axe, the classes that could use it for stats usefully were low. BUT it also had a use effect, ‘belt a ripper’ where you turn in a skeleton playing the ‘axe’ as a guitar. It does sometimes come up on the BMAH. I mentioned the usage because this item caused a rift in my guild between the hunters (ie, me) and the warriors on who could roll on it. It was technically best in slot for both, but our guild technically had a rule that melee weapons were prioritised to melee classes. But, as an item that would be a unique flavour item for years after the stats were passed, and me being a collector of trinkets, argument ensued. Eventually, we decided on the flavour POV, and later it became moot as both I and the warrior arguing rolled for the two. ;)


I'd of thought the Diabloe: Tyreal pet would of been more rare then then the original WoW collectors edition pets. Hardly anyone got those due to is being a GamesCon exclusive.


Small addition to the Furbolg Rod - as it was a quest item, many people who were power-levelling (and not paying attention to quests) just did the quest quickly and upon completion, lost the rod. So if you completed the quest, you could never have the rod as a fun toy. The more savvy ones started the quest, then abandoned it but kept the rod. The first major nerf came when they changed how quest items work, when quest items were destroyed upon abandoning a quest. Which meant you could keep the rod but you'd have to keep the quest in your quest log forever. And then of course they nerfed it further by making quest items zone-bound.


The Murloc Marine pet given away at the one and only BlizzCon I ever attended interacts with the Zergling pet from the original Collector's Edition. Or at least it used to.


I'm the very proud owner of the Swift Zulian Tiger! Obtained it when it was still a drop from Zul'Gurub! It's still the first mount I put up when I need to go somewhere. Love it! (I'm a Horde btw)
