Pfeffernüsse - German Spice Christmas Cookies | Food Wishes

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The name translates to “pepper nut,” which sounds odd when you consider the original recipe didn’t call for pepper or nuts, but that aside, these are ridiculously good, surprisingly easy, and I think they are the best Christmas cookie ever. Enjoy!


It makes my day that people are taking the time to explain the belt and suspenders thing. Makes sense. I feel better. Thank you!


"I'm a little bit of a Cayenne guy."

Chef John ending the year with the biggest understatement.


I watch ALL of your videos, but this one really hits close to home. Pfeffernusse were my Dad's all time favorite. As kids, we couldn't understand why. Today would have been Dad's 102nd birthday, and he's been gone for nearly 40 years. There was an awful lot I didn't understand as a kid. Thanks for your recipe AND your timing. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!


I was able to hit the German markets this year and then came home to make your recipe 5 times in a row. It's terrific!!! I tried a few (year round) variations your followers might like as well. Variation 1: Molasses instead of honey - as you mentioned, it makes them more like Gingerbread but it also makes them a bit more moist and chewy // Variation 2: I tossed 1/4 cup dried tiny blueberries overnight in a 5-6 tablespoons of lemon juice, then added to to the dough but omitted the spices. I used 3 tbsp of the lemon/blueberry juice in the powdered sugar glaze - they were FANTASTIC! // Variation 3: Same as blueberries, but I soaked 1/4 cup dried (sour) cherries overnight with enough bourbon to cover them, then drained/chopped them finely and added to dough, and used the 3 tbsp of the cherry/bourbon juice in the powdered sugar glaze. Amazing, but definitely get much better after sitting several days because the alcohol evaporates and you're left with a delicious bourbon flavor.


Pfeffernusse was my mother’s favorite Christmas cookie. She has been gone for 33 years and this brings back such warm memories of her and her great love of Christmas traditions. She was second-generation German, so there are numerous family traditions that reflect our German ancestors. By the way I subscribed to your channel, but all, the sudden I wasn’t subscribed.


OMG Chef John. I have no idea how I missed this episode. I absolutely love Pfeffernuesse. The place I'd always get them is long gone and the German woman who owned the bakery passed many years ago. This is going to be an epic holiday. Thank you so much.


I made these today for Christmas. My son tried one and said, this is the best cookie he's ever had. He loves the blend of spices and it not being overly sweet. This recipe will now be a regular in our house. Thank you so much ❤ have a happy holiday season everyone 😊


Chef John: I'm spilling a HUGE baking secret of mine, but DON'T SKIP THE BLACK PEPPER! Just the tiniest pinch of freshly ground black pepper really warms up those classic spices, and just elevates the flavor to a whole new level.

I've been doing this in my pumpkin pie for years, try it, the difference will amaze you.


The reason they are called "Pfeffernüsse" is that long time ago, Germans used the word "Pfeffer" to describe any exotic spice. So, at this time "Pfeffernüsse" just meant "exoticly flavored nuts". It's the same with Pfefferkuchen.


THESE ARE AMAZING. Thanks for the recipe, never heard of them or had them before but I was having a weird pregnancy craving for a spiced cookie! It took me less than 10 min to whip up and 9 min in the oven! Couldn’t wait the 1-2 days to refrigerate or 1-2 hours to cook down for icing. Still came out 10/10. Also, didn’t have nutmeg or allspice, it still tasted great!


This recipe made my heart sing. It's the best. Lost my mothers recipe, she's gone. But this was the closest I have ever tried. I did remember she used white pepper so I used it. Thank you for this. You have no idea how much I appreciate this.


Wow, after you were done, I realized that my mother used to make these. They were always the first cookies gone. She had to hide some for company. However, some snoopy little kid found them and like a fool, ate them one by one before Christmas. My mother was very unhappy with me, I mean the snoopy little kid.


My Russian-German grandma’s version of these have honey, lard, star anise, and cloves. Very old school. They are glazed with a thin powdered sugar icing and rolled in more powdered sugar. They must ripen for a month or longer before eating to let the flavors meld.


Definitely one of the better winter cookies out there. We've done a lot of decorating for presentation with them, and found that a (or two) cranberry/Craisin, worked into a ball makes a nice holly berry and the flavor goes well too. Thank You, cause its not Christmas until Ive made a batch of Pfeffernusse, had some eggnog, and seen Hanz Gruber fall from Nakatomi Tower.


Worked at a national chain cookie company, and we put out Pfeffernusse and wedding cake cookies by the tons every year. Years ago I can remember standing in powdered sugar up over the tops of my shoes for two months of the year.


My mother would buy these at her special bakery when I was a child in the 1950's...They had such an interesting taste, I had no idea what they were made from but I loved them! I avoided trying to make such a cookie in fear of failure. Had I known just how easy it is, I would have added them to my "Special Christmas Cookie repertoire" years ago... Thanks to you, I will be making them this week and for the years to come!


My aunt and uncle run a camping site here in Norway where i used to help out. They always got tons of these, and other snacks, gifted from tourists. I loved spending the christmas there with my cousin and eat all these delicious snacks and experience the world that way when i was a kid.
Might try making these with my daughters and give them some of my experiences growing up. Much love Chef John. And merry christmas to you and all your viewers.


You crack me up John. Lol. The Santa belt is on the coat not the pants. Suspenders are allowed this one time. I totally agree with you🤣. Thank you for all of the great recipes you video…you make baking less intimidating. Hope you have a wonderful Holiday


Pro tip: @ 2:26 - no need to lose your whisk for this recipe to work. Feel free to wash it and put it in a drawer.


When I was a little boy these spice bombs were always on the dessert tray. You know those fancy-shmancy three tiered poinsettia trays for the Holidays. They looked so delicious but I could only eat the icing because the spices burnt a hole in my tongue. It was either my Baba or one of my Aunties that baked them. I think it was Baba because they never came around after she stopped working in the kitchen.
Chef, you are an inspiration, I have all of the ingredients so I must give this a try. Who knows it may bring back some very fond memories. (fingers crossed0
