Chemical Factories in the Great Pyramid: New Evidence Rewrites History | Land of Chem

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Geoffrey Drumm runs @thelandofchem YouTube channel and presents a comprehensive theory that the Egyptian Pyramids were designed to produce chemicals on an industrial scale.
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When I look at the Wardenclyffe Tower. It was listed as an atmospheric apparatus.
To me the Wardenclyffe Tower was designed to harness the power of a lightening bolt.
The salt water under the tower with metal sunk into the water. Allows for more frequent lightening strikes.
The spark gap is a filter, to filter out run away currents. This is to dial in a certain frequency of electricity to use.
The Tesla fly wheel would have the mass to handle such a large voltage. When the flywheel is up to operating speed. The energy is harvested to allow for generators to use the electricity. Then the stable current can be distributed over long distances.
With the research I've done on Tesla. I do not see his patients as different machines, but are different patients for each step of one machine.
If people would stop looking at it as a way to distribute electricity in the air and instead examine everything as a lightening harness machine.
When you look at the insulators and safety devices implemented. You can see that if the building was struck by lightning. The outside of the building wouldn't harm anyone around it.


This character has been partying on the blue with skinny Pete and badger.


I’m 75 now have been fascinated with Egypt for at least 65 of those. This is to my mind, the most logical and reasonable explanation for the pyramids rather than a mere burial vault/monument. The knowledge and wherewithal to construct these all over the world is indicative of an advanced and super intelligent culture. “Annunaki” maybe….those who came down from the heavens? Factor the Dogon and their culture anybody? And after “the Fall”, the world wide worship/reverence for dragons? And now we are finding pyramids all over the world. This whole planet was being “used” and harvested by a superior race/civilization for off-planet consumption of one kind or another. White powder gold for longevity, gold dust for atmospheric shielding, etc. And the whole planet was also tuned and turned into a sonic gun that could dislodge planets and satellites.
Just saying. 😘🤫


Diaelectrophoretic forces are known to be able to move bio particles, including covid style particles



5000 years before now Giza was on the shore of the Mediterranean sea

Everything between Giza and the current Mediterranean shoreline
Was created by the pyramid fertilizer production.



the diagram shows the dock system at the base and the lock system which ran up the sides to float all of the big stuff up to the big
machines in the middle of the big building which was sitting on a bluff looking at Greece from the shore on the south side of the pond
If you look at the google earth image from above you will see the eight docks which are still on the west facing edge of the
central pyramid and the shafts holes pointing to the underground system which was used to raise and lower the water level up and down
the hill from the base of the buildings to the butt of the Sphinx

controlled tides
what a concept


Sand and a copper blade can cut the stone. The copper doesn't do the cutting, the saw will drag the sand back and forth on the cut line. Like he said slow cutting and removing of the excess material. Sand cuts and then you wash in out and more sand repeat


I've read about these as different books. This is the first time I'm hearing about someone piercing all of it together.
Sounds interesting but there seems to be a lot of information not known as of yet.


the pyramid isn’t built on a rubber insulator or whatever its built directly into the ground any electricity that is “made” would be grounded and disappear into the earth


The Egyptians didn't build the pyramids.

They moved in.


Im on board with chemical factory theory, need a collaberation with Chris Dunn and a chemist



The winged serpent...

given the time line of the pyramid movement if the winged serpent is lightening aka electricity/electromagnetism
every snake image you see on every temple handbook to the world you live in is a depiction of electromagnetism

every "myth" about a snake or a snake bite is about electricity and the thing the smart 8, 000, 000, 000 of us hominids
these days call a shock from something which is considered very dangerous and difficult to control without the
specific knowledge that only scientists have.


I’m confused with this, and the water erosion around the sphinx.



Giza was on the shoreline of the Mediterranean 5000 Years before now look at the map
zoom in to the Sphinx so that it fills the screen and you can see the water wear on the rump of the figure
turn the map or your laptop sideways so that the Sphinx is facing south
as you look at the screen the Mediterranean is now on the right
Zoom out and see how much farmland was created by the
pyramid project. The entire Ginko leaf shape in green
was under the sea 6000 years before now

look around and see how this is true all along the north coast of the continent

This is plus years of the Nile ripping things to pieces and
depositing most of it there where the salt water turns the silicon
into other things for another day


He keeps saying, “definitely is” without providing any proof and plugging his channel lol. The equivalent of POTUS saying, “Don’t!” Lol


Water stability, prymind University 🎓


Nah, burial chambers bro, nothing to see here xD xD xD hahaha



Get yourself a laser thermometer and go outside on the next sunny day and point that thing at a spot on a wall in direct sunlight
now walk around the nearest corner and measure the temperature of the dark side

There on the Sea shore 6000 ybn the sea breeze blowing in the background on the north side of the big old pointy building without
a point on the top is cool while the other side angled along the 24 degree bent that the earth has to the sun to get more surface
area exposed to more direct sun light you have a heat generator creating the movement of positive and negative charges along
around through and as the buildings themselves in the configuration they are in relative to the real source of the energy
the big hydrogen ball 93, 000, 000 miles off the southern wall and if the sneaky other name for half the smallest unit
of hydrogen was not the proton it would be a little simpler for the 8, 000, 000, 000 people alive today to understand
what quite a few fewer people understood about the tear drop they are tearing around the big magnetic pool of
billiard balls in on around but not part of