COVID 19 Coronavirus Explained !!! Symptoms,Transmission, Prevention,Treatment- Dr. Sameer Arbat

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The virus which is being talked about nowadays is the Novel variety of the Coronavirus. It was on 30th January 2020 that the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern. Now the Coronavirus is a big family of viruses which are very commonly found in various species of animals and it rarely happens that it infects that humans as it was seen in 2003 which was a SARS outbreak and in 2012, an MERS Outbreak. What we understand is a Coronavirus outbreak is a rapidly emerging emergency and every new day we are getting new information about how it spreads and how it affects people. Our understanding of the severity of Coronavirus is similar to the SARS and MERS. It can cause severe illness among people who have preexisting illnesses , people who have hypertension, diabetes or pregnant women.

How Coronavirus spreads?
There have been a lot of theories how this virus spreads from animals to humans. We cannot conform how this virus went from animals to humans how this virus spreads from one person to another is through nasal discharge or saliva can spread from an infected person to an infected person. So if a person has a Coronavirus and if he does not cover his mouth while coughing or sneezing, there is high chance that people around him can actually catch the disease of Coronavirus. As of today the Coronavirus has been detected in Thailand, Hong Kong, Canada, Italy, India, Australia and many more.

Symptoms of Coronavirus
The symptoms that a person can have if he or she is infected is fever, cough, shortness of breath. These symptoms are very similar to the symptoms that we find in a regular flu virus infection.
Prevention of Coronavirus
As of now there is no vaccine available for the recent outbreak of the Coronavirus. But the centre for disease control has suggested the following steps to prevent any spread of any respiratory illness. The first and the most important is to washing the hands as often as possible, with soap for atleast 20 seconds if you don’t have soap, make sure you clean your hands with an alcohol based sanitizer with 60% alcohol. Make sure that you wash your hands everytime before and after eating food and before and after sneezing avoid touching your face, eyes, nose and mouth. You should avoid touching your face that is eyes, nose and mouth. You should avoid close contact with people who are already unwell, if you are unwell makes sure you stay at home and don’t spread the infection in the community. Make sure you cover your nose and mouth, every time you cough and sneeze with a tissue and throw away the tissue once it gets dirty.

Treatment of Coronavirus
There is no specific antiviral treatment for the Coronavirus but what is available is the supportive acre for a person who is infected with Coronavirus. So if you are infected with Coronavirus, there is treatment available to take care of your fever, cough and breathing difficulty. If a person has severe difficulties of Coronavirus, it is essential to take care of all the vital organs of the body till the person recovers from this disease.

How worried I should be about Coronavirus?
This is a worrisome situation, but there is absolutely no need to panic. The Coronavirus is now understood to be highly infective but not as severe as the SARS and the MERS virus. All throughout the year around us, we have a lot of viral infections such as the regular flu who has a mortality rate of about 10 to 20%. The Coronavirus spreads really fastly which has a lower mortality rate. So what I suggest is you can protect yourself by following protective measures like washing your hands regularly, covering your cough and sneeze and staying away from people who are already sick or unwell.
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