LEVEL Estate | Beautiful Villa for Sale in Snagov

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LEVEL Estate are plăcerea de a vă prezenta spre achiziție o vila superba S+P+1E+M in Snagov – Ciofliceni, intr-o zona linistita, aproape de padure.
Accesul catre Bucuresti este deosebit de facil, locatia vilei fiind la doar 10 minute de aeroportul Otopeni si de autostrada A3 si 20 minute de zona comerciala Baneasa, pozitia fiind excelenta pentru un un stil de viata linistit, lipsit de zgomot si poluare. Proximitatea padurii face ca zona sa fie una extrem de ravnita. Curtea generoasa ofera atat spatiu pentru pomi fructiferi, 2 locuri de parcare, cat si zona recreativa, fiind perfecta pentru familiile dinamice si totodata pentru cei ce doresc sa isi creasca copiii intr-un mediu curat, linistit și frumos.
Aleile pietruite, pomii ornamentali si fructiferi, diferite specii de flori, gazonul intretinut si terasa acoperita, fac din curtea proprietatii o adevarata oaza de relaxare.
Vila a fost proiectata de catre o echipa de arhitecti si a fost construita folosindu-se doar materiale atent selectionate, grija la montaj si detalii fiind una ce pune in valoare intregul ansamblu, oferind o nota distincta de stil si eleganta. Scarile, balustrade si usile sunt din lemn masiv de inalta calitate. 
Proprietatea se vinde complet mobilata și utilata
Printre caracteristici regasim: put propriu forat la o adancime mare, fosa septica ecologica, electricitate, gaze, caTv, internet fibra (Rds-Rcs), Tamplarie Rehau,  Gresie portelanata. Acoperis Gerard. Geamuri Velux mansarda. Izolatie exterioara. Centrala proprie gaz, Sistem alarma + senzori miscare etc.

Suprafata totala a terenului este de 515mp, amprenta casei fiind de 150mp, iar suprafata construita de aprox 400mp.
Compartimentarea inteligenta a suprafetei generoase a fost realizata astfel :
Subsol 3 camere individuale
Parter : Baie (cu intrare din curte si din casa), camera tehnica, dormitor, baie cu dus, bucatarie open space, dinning room + Living 
Etaj 1 : Dormitor matrimonial (cu dressing, baie proprie, balcon si terasa), 2 dormitoare individuale, o baie + 1 dormitor matrimonial cu dressing mare 
Mansarda : open space 90 mp + terasa
Anul constructiei 2013

LEVEL Estate is pleased to present for sale a superb villa S+P+1E+M in Snagov - Ciofliceni, in a particularly quiet area, close to the forest.
Access to Bucharest is particularly easy, the location of the villa being just 10 minutes from Otopeni airport and the A3 highway and 20 minutes from the Baneasa commercial area, the position being excellent for a quiet lifestyle, free from noise and pollution. The proximity of the forest makes the area extremely coveted. The generous yard offers both space for fruit trees, 2 parking spaces, and the recreational area, being perfect for dynamic families and also for those who want to raise their children in a clean, quiet and beautiful environment.
The cobbled paths, ornamental and fruit trees, different species of flowers, the well-maintained lawn and the covered terrace make the property's yard a real oasis of relaxation.
The villa was designed by a team of architects and was built using only carefully selected materials, the attention to assembly and details being one that enhances the whole ensemble, offering a distinct touch of style and elegance. The stairs, railings and doors are made of high quality solid wood.
The property is sold fully furnished and equipped
Among the features we find: own well drilled at a great depth, ecological septic tank, electricity, gas, caTv, fiber internet (Rds-Rcs), Rehau carpentry, porcelain stoneware. Gerard roof. Velux attic windows. External insulation. Own gas central heating system, alarm system + motion sensors, etc.

The total area of ​​the land is 515 square meters, the footprint of the house is 150 square meters, and the built area is approximately 400 square meters.
The intelligent compartmentation of the generous surface was made as follows:
Basement 3 individual rooms
Ground floor: Bathroom (with entrance from the yard and from the house), technical room, bedroom, bathroom, open space kitchen, dining room + living room
1st floor: Master bedroom (with dressing room, private bathroom, balcony and terrace), 2 individual bedrooms, a bathroom + 1 master bedroom with large dressing room
Attic: open space 90 sqm + terrace
Year of construction 2013

For an overview of the living spaces, the special finishes and the whole concept, we invite you to schedule a visit.

Pentru o prezentare generală a spațiilor de locuit, a finisajelor deosebite și a întregului concept, vă invităm la vizionare.
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