10 Important Questions Retirees Should ALWAYS Ask Themselves | Stoicism

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It’s not the answers that make your life better, it’s knowing the right questions. This video discusses 10 of the most important questions you need to ask to have your BEST retirement.

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Should You Take Social Security at Age 62 and Invest it?

7 GOOD REASONS to File for Social Security Benefits at Age 62

Average Retirement Savings by Age 60. Are You Almost Ready to Retire?!?

The BEST AGE to File for Social Security Retirement Benefits

3 Social Security "Little Known Facts" That Are REALLY Important

Disclaimer: this video is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for legal, accounting, tax, or professional advice. If you have any specific questions about any legal, accounting, tax or other professional service matter you should consult the appropriate professional services provider.
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Retirement is now more difficult than it was in the past. I've been saving for a long time instead of investing, and right now I only have about $400K. considering all the inflation, i'm thinking of investing in stocks, i dont just have idea on market strategies.


Every retired person should be watching and listening to this channel…


"To be is to do" -- Aristotle
"To do is to be" -- Augustine
"Do be do be do be do" -- Sinatra


Jeff, long-time watcher, I am one year out. Great channel. BTW, when I was in the army, I gifted my wife a 2.5K Prada bag in Honolulu. To this day, 17 years later, she loves it and mentions it now and then. Best money ever spent. That's a small fraction of expenditures on kids' tuition, cars, travel, phones, weddings, gifts, etc. Rarely (in one case never) hear from them. Moral of the story? Be good to your kids, but reserve the best for your wife.


Great Video! I’ve been retired for about a year. I must admit, I have REALLY valued and enjoyed a quiet, peaceful life this year, and don’t regret any part of it.

However, I asked myself “Is this who I really want to be?” (without considering Marcus Aurelius or stoicism, haha!)

So, since January, I’ve been dieting (smart and healthy choices), going to the gym, learning another language, and working to improve my financial knowledge. And soon I’m going to become more of a joiner to build out my social network as well.

So yeah, this video lines up neatly with my vision of being sharp and capable in my retirement years. THANKS!


All your videos give me the chance to reflect on a new subject. Not only do you share useful information, but you ask questions that help take us to where we want to go. That’s precious!


Geoff as a Nurse for almost 50yr i I've seen so many patients with serious illnesses some self inflicted and most unexpected so much regrets. Today is a Gift you can't change yesterday and you can't predict tomorrow. I choose to live my Fullest today with no regrets since that's all I have 😊Thank you for another Great Video


As a Professional Certified Coach, I'm trained not only to ask good questions, but also to help people change the questions they're asking themselves.

When I was considering whether or not to leave a highly-placed and -paid career in order to break into consulting as a solopreneur, I kept asking myself, "How can I afford to leave my job?" This is a question of loss, which no one wants to contemplate. But I changed my question to, "Can I afford to be who I want to be?" (I had to figure out what that was before I could even ask such a question, much less answer it.) Once I changed my question I submitted my retirement paperwork and gave my notice. That was 3 years ago and I've never looked back. Oh, and I'll never hold a job working for someone else (besides my clients, of course) again.

Ask the right questions, folks.


I was reared as a stoic. My gran’s favourite bed time story was about the little Spartan boy who found a tiny fox cub. Boys were separated from their family in Sparta, and started army training at age 8. This was in Greece, a few thousand years ago.

On his way to parade training, he tucked the fox cub into his shirt. The fox cub warmed up, and started gnawing at the boy’s stomach, causing excruciating pain.

As he was trained to, the boy showed no pain, and stood stiffly to attention. He died without any emotion.

His parents were congratulated on having such a brave stoic son.

Spartan mothers farewelled their sons going into battle by saying. Return home with your shield, a victorious hero. Or dead, carried on your shield, after a glorious death in battle. But never return, alive and defeated.

Even as a little boy, I got the message, and steered clear of foxes and Spartan mothers.

However, the stoic message did survive, and doctors found it hard to believe how pain from football fractures, like broken ribs, could be ignored. Very common with Australian Rules footballers.


I found it interresting to see on hte wall behind you the framed uncut sheet of 16 one dollar bills. A very good friend on mine, who has now passed, gave me a sheet like this. He had been the president of a bank. It always brings a smile to me face when looking at it reminding me of our friemdship!


Another excellent video calling out very real issues to consider when retired or getting ready to retire. Thank you.


This video is perfect timing for me. I retired 3 weeks ago, and these were some of my thoughts that I needed to figure out with my wife. Thank you for this video!


This video is one of my all time favorites! Thank you so much!


Great video. I’ll be retiring in about a year, and my biggest fear is losing my purpose. But I care about so many things and I know I can enjoy a full, meaningful, joyful retirement if I ask myself these 10 questions. Thank you!


These are very important question to ask yourself on a regular basis no matter how young or old you are. #1 is HUGE and eliminates probably 99% of fretting about and accomplishing nothing except giving yourself (and probably loved ones) stress. And OMG on those purse prices LOL!


Love it. I try to adhere to these principles. I like to say, control the things you can and don't worry about those you can't. Don't worry about what may be, just carry on. Recognize that people and experiences are what make for a great life not the accumulation of things. So make sure you are seeking out and allowing the right people into your inner circle.


Thank you for your videos. They are helpful as I move past 60. These ring true for me except for one...

I LOVE worrying about some of the big ones! Like "what if I lost my job", "what if I became homeless", etc. I take these scenarios on as research projects and learn what is needed to get another job or where to shower if you are homeless...I do ignore the health ones currently, but maybe that is next. One worry at a time.

Most of it is pretty light like consulting various YouTube videos, but it feels relaxing. And I am building a library of knowledge which I also share when it seems appropriate (like a cheap gym membership is a decent means to get an inexpensive daily shower or these YouTubers are great at job searching tips).

Those two (job loss and homelessness) have gotten old enough that I could likely create courses on the topics, but I haven't decided yet what is the next thing to "worry about". Likely due to my knowing I will be doing several months of studying for an upcoming certification test which is going to take up my time. Not sure I will have enough "worry time" in my schedule until I get the certificate. Just thought I would share. 😃


Thanks Geoff. Enjoyed this one. Things to ponder.


Without a doubt, this year will be worse than the last. I lost a lot of money last year as a result of bad investment choices that I would not have made if I hadn't been so worried about my portfolio. I kept investing, but I couldn't determine whether to start paying for a house. In the end, I sold my positions, and the house needed more work than I had planned. I'm not sure how long I can keep going like this


Great video Geoff, really, one of your best!
