Tom Brady | Top 4 SuperHuman Habits! (SuperBowl 51 Edition!)

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Each week i will be breaking down 1 of the world's best athletes or performers and sharing the Top 5 Habits they implement into their life to get a major edge over their competition and become SUPERHUMAN!


Tom Brady's SuperHuman Habits!

I'm going to post a video later today about this that I filmed last night, but I wanted to drop you guys a quick line regarding Tom Brady.

Being really successful starts with a set of daily habits, so I did some research on Tom Brady and found 4 really interesting things that he incorporates into his life for massive success!

Love him or hate him, you gotta respect the dedication!

Tom Brady's SuperHuman Habits:

1. Poppin bottles or Nah?

Tom Brady goes to bed at 8:30 PM-9 PM and wakes up around 5 AM in the off season. You won't be seeing Brady poppin bottles in the club, and he admits he lives a very boring lifestyle.

One of my favorite quotes of all time, "early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"

I also find that on the days when i wake up at 6 AM i am always my most productive!

2. 80/20

Tom Brady's diet is pretty scientific, as he actually consumes an 80/20 diet that he got from Giselle. 80 percent of the food he eats is "alkaline" and only 20 percent is "acidic"

This prevents injury, boosts his energy levels, and gives his body an extra boost for recovery! More on some crazy diet hacks soon in this group....

3. Muscle Pliability

Brady is certainly not a "jacked dude" - and this is on purpose. Brady trains in a way to ensure his muscles are "long and soft" as opposed to "short and dense"

Heavy weight lifting makes you stiff and rigid, and in Brady's case can make him more prone to injury.

Since i also want to be jacked, but also strive to be an athlete I'm going to take Brady's advice and start doing a ton more resistance brand training, stretching, Yoga, and bodyweight exercises!

4. Cheat Meals or Nah?

Tom Brady's definition of a cheat meal? Avocado Ice Cream! Apparently its crazy good. I'll share the recipe in the group as soon as i try it and perfect it myself!

The big take-away is that Brady almost NEVER eats like a typical American.

Processed foods filled with sugar and artificial sweeteners as he says "isn't real food, it's made by a machine" - and he says how does putting this type of food in my body help me with my performance?

Note taken! i'm going to try to stay away from my cheat day Fruit Pebbles Cereal with marshmallows more often

Tom Brady | Top 4 SuperHuman Habits! (SuperBowl 51 Edition!)

Tom Brady Greatest of all time:

Рекомендации по теме

hey man I stumbled onto your site after researching Tom Brady. Nice video. Could I add one more tip? I read that Brady works incredibly hard on his brain power with a neuropsychologist. This allows him to read plays faster and act on things quicker. It gives him slightly more time than others. Im definitely going to try and work on all 5. Not sure how successfully Ill be with the no alcohol rule though! ;)
