Rodrigo Duterte, former Philippines president, en route to The Hague after arrest warrant | BBC News

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A plane carrying the former president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, has left Manila after the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued a warrant accusing him of crimes against humanity over his deadly "war on drugs".

He was taken into police custody shortly after his arrival at the capital's international airport from Hong Kong.

Duterte, 79, contested his detention but within hours was on a chartered jet en route to The Hague in the Netherlands, where the ICC sits.

During Duterte's time in office, thousands of small-time drug dealers, users and others were killed without trial.

#RodrigoDuterte #Philippines #BBCNews
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I hope BBC News will give news about what happened to the first family of the Philippines regarding what happened in California! Especially the first lady!


How about the Philippines President and his Family’s case in LA involving death of their friend because of drugs?



Could you please somehow pronounce the words WAR ON DRUGS elaborately? It seems that lately, you pronounce the phrase CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY more clearly and just garble the part of WAR ON DRUGS. Also, please note that our current president is rumored to be a drug user himself, even our PNP officers stating that "using drugs for the sake of the call of duty" is reasonable. Currently, his first lady is on hold in LA due to Paolo Tancoco's death (drug overdose). So clearly, the motive is there. The Philippine mainstream media is not entirely true. Also, if you look closely at our data, you will see that there were higher numbers of drug surrenderees than those that were being killed during operation "TOKHANG". TOKHANG is a Bisaya combination of the words "TOKTOK " and - HANGYU", meaning they will go to the houses of the drug users and literally knock on their doors and ask them nicely to surrender themselves. However, there are really some people who are under the influence of drugs for a very long time and become insane and would normally resort to violence and, of course, what do you think would our PNP do at that time? Would they just be standing there and let themselves get killed? Of course, they will fight back if necessary. But the problem is not only about these drug addicts. You know, before the former PRRD, our PNP was allegedly involved in protecting people under the influence of drugs, and so when the war on drugs came, some PNP officers took advantage of this war on drugs to permanently silence any person connecting to them. This gave some of our own people the opportunity to turn this war on drugs looked like A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY. There was never even a ground for our former president to be arrested in the first place. Yes, the end does not justify the means, but could you even truthfully account for what truly leads the end?


how much do you truly know about what occurred in our country? All you have are reports from his critics. We, the Filipino people, felt happy, safe, and confident walking at night, knowing we were protected during his leadership.


Philippines has an absolute functioning judicial system.

Philippines is not a member of ICC.

Why we are having this situation right now? This is all wrong.


Clearly he's being stitched up because he was never a globalist. As for the ICC - I've always been amused by its selective application of the law.


sadly ICC is being used as a political weapon by the current government. This also highlighted how weak the philippine court is and how the current government just threw away its sovereignty. He took one for the country. Hero in my book


It's so ironic. In order to combat drugs and make their people live a better life, the former Philippine president has done so much for his people. He was sent to the International Criminal Court by the current president. It seems that the drugs in the Philippines will cause more people to die, and the rectification struggle will not care about the lives and death of the Philippine people.


The people knew who he was before they massively voted for him ! ….And he became a hero. Still is a hero and their best president in ages!


If you're law abiding citizens, you will appreciate Duterte's achievement to stop drug cartel in the Philippines how safe we are however those involve and play innocent due to corruption. ICC is protecting the criminal not human rights.


During the time of President Duterte Duterte we feel safe and the best president we ever have


It was illegal arrest, he was not given due process not even given a chance to be heard in Philippine court.He was forcibly escorted by PNP headed by Torre aboard a plane.


Living in the Philippines for 33 years, I always feared drug addicts, gangs, rapists, and criminals. During President Duterte’s term, for the first time, we felt safer and more secure. However, since President Bongbong Marcos took office, I’ve noticed a rise in corruption and an increase in drug addiction and crime. It feels like the safety we experienced during Duterte’s time is now slipping away. Rodrigo Duterte is innocent and remains the best president the Philippines has ever had.


Without any case from Our Supreme Court? Where did you get that report? I know one Congresswoman file a case against him but She did not succed. Well, Let us see how ICC will deal with this issue.


We love our former President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.God save the Philippines.


What happen to netanyahu arrest warrant


I AM A Filipino and I stand with Duterte👊
He was and will be forever the best President the Philippines ever had.We Support him .He Loved our country more than anyone else.He sacrifice himself for the love of his country .


Hope BBC will broadcast fairly. Ask your countrymen in Philippines whom they believed, the marcos addict or the duterte?


Duterte's order to the police is limited to protecting themselves against criminals who resist arrest which results to potential life threats against the arresting officers. All countries, even the west allows this. All other rhetoric is hyperbole.


how are you going to trial a guy who wants to protect his people from drugs? 🤣
