How to Use a Beauty Dish for Stunning Portraits | Complete Guide to Beauty Lighting

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If you’ve ever wondered how to use a beauty dish effectively, this video is your complete guide to creating stunning portraits with this versatile light modifier. Despite using beauty dishes for years, I tested them thoroughly to better understand how they work, and now I’m sharing everything I’ve learned with you!

I’ll walk you through the results of my tests, demonstrate two multi-light setups with beauty dishes, and explain how different modifiers like grids and socks affect your final images. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned photographer, understanding the nuances of a beauty dish can truly elevate your portrait lighting skills.

We’ll cover:
• How to position beauty dishes for perfect lighting
• The effect of grids and diffusion socks on your subject
• When to use silver vs. white beauty dishes
• Practical tips for portrait photographers working with beauty dishes

By the end of this video, you’ll feel confident in using beauty dishes for your portrait photography, with clear insights on when and why to choose this modifier for your shoots.

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Elinchrom FIVE

Elinchrom Softlite 27" Reflector (Beauty Dish) 64 degrees - Silver

Elinchrom 27.6" Softlite Beauty Dish Grid

Elinchrom 17.3" 80 Degree Softlite Reflector, White

Elinchrom 17.3" 55 Degree Softlite Reflector, Silver

Elinchrom 17.3" Softlite Beauty Dish Grid

Elinchrom 8.3" Standard Reflector with 30 Degree Grid

Elinchrom 8.3" Barndoors Kit

Elinchrom 8.3" Grid Kit

Canon EOS R5

Canon BG-R10

Canon RF 85mm F1.2 L USM

Canon RF 28-70mm f/2.0

Canon Cinema EOS C70

Nanlite Compac 200B Adjustable Bicolor LED Panel

Nanlite FS-150 AC LED Monolight

Before we begin, Elinchrom provided some of the gear used in this video, but they did not pay me, nor do they have editorial control over the content. Beauty dishes from different brands work similarly, so I encourage you to test your gear. This video will show you what to look for when using beauty dishes, socks, and grids.

If you’d like to support me, please check out the gear linked in the description. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell to stay updated!

You may have heard the rule that the distance from the beauty dish to the subject should match its diameter (e.g., 27” dish = 27” distance). While I’ve followed this, others suggest that 1m is optimal. Through this video, you’ll learn how to find the best approach for your needs.

00:00 - Introduction
03:58 - Cross Section Test
07:21 - Bare Dish Results
08:34 - Grid Test
08:48 - Diffusion Sock Test
10:05 - Catch Lights
10:18 - 70cm SIlver Distance Dest
11:37 - 44cm SIlver Distance Dest
12:37 - Coss Section Test Conclusions
14:47 - Retouching
15:14 - Small Spaces
17:56 - Film Noir
27:51 - Conclusions

#BeautyDish #PortraitPhotography #StudioLighting
Рекомендации по теме

John, I have been a photographer for 14 years, and have watched 100s of hours of lighting videos/tutorials. Your video has packed more useful and never seen before information. It’s truly remarkable. I think I learned more about beauty dishes in this video than I have in all the videos I’ve watched prior! Thank you so much! Can’t wait to go through all your other content!


Damn, this is like a college research capstone project presentation. Thanks for making this John!


I have been a professional commercial photographer for thirty years and John, this is the most complete class on shooting with a beauty dish I have ever scene. I was raised on the same principal for BDs or I was also taught, the length of your arm, which is not very technical. You have done a great job on this subject, I hope everyone that sees it goes and does tests with their own dishes, it's one thing to hear it and another to go do it!


The test shots on the card at 07:30 are so informative! Great idea.


This is great info. One thing for a home with a small studio: I bought the 28” dish. Without a grid it may as well be a soft box, with white walls it is way too big to control in a small room.


Another fantastic video. The test on the black card was a genius idea to see how the light spread.


Another great video John. I've been winging it for years.


For the first time I can actually see what a beauty dish is doing. Thank you for that. 😃


This is top tier depth and breadth; and it isn’t the first time on this channel. Really awesome, and helpful, stuff. Thank you.


You are doing what I did with my modifier when I started photography 👍
Just to learn they’re different and lighting character!

It takes time, but keep videos like this coming😊 it’s very informative for other photographers 👍

Thank you for sharing videos like this, it’s good for the community 👍


Truly enjoyed the tests you did with the BDs and the ‘Y’ light throw together with your description. Thank you soo much. Cheers.


This is complete guide how to use beauty dish and video included get most answered all questions about. Respect for your work John!


I am like a fild of corn, All ears! Teach John, I have learned a ton on this one,


Excellent ! Thanks for a very well done and complete study done by a talented teacher.


This is a great deep-dive. I loved seeing the radical differences in the appearance of the faces as the beauty dish was moved.


John! This has been a very educative capsule. I finally understood the behaviour of the beauty dish. Thanks a ton! Cheers.


Great video. In my estimation, the beauty dish is the least understood light modifier however by estimation its not the most abused because umbrellas and softbox are more widely used. This video demonstrates how to understand the output pattern of a beauty dish with a very easy method. In addition, excellent information how to apply a beauty dish into portrait work. I teach a PPA workshop in the fall for beauty dishes that includes the light pattern method demonstrated in this video and I am glad to see this method demonstrated on youtube. Thank you.


I love it. I’ve done the same thing, only with CG light modifiers and CG foam core and the Maxwell Renderer.


This video did not disappoint! Great stuff my guy!


Wow.. this is super comprehensive. If I ever make youtube videos, this is how comprehensive I should be :-)
Love love love it. Found out about you after taking your class at WPPI . Loving thie content, John! :-)
